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The tower was relatively quiet today, too quiet. I thought somebody died or ran away, but it turns out Thor was just out for the day. Who knew he was so loud? Me and Peter did hang out with MJ and Ned at the mall earlier, but even that was peaceful. Other than the fact that Ned was geeking out with Peter over comics and slipped twice over slushies they split.. Today was a good day, I wonder what tomorrow has planned. Is it really so bad the Universe gave me a rest day?


Apparently, yes. You immediately woke up to the sound of screaming. Granted you woke up at 11:00, but the yelling was still unnecessary.

You wandered out of your room in your over sized T-shirt and boy shorts, to investigate the reason for shouting.

"He's a maniac who threw you out a window, and you want him staying here?!" You heard Clint whisper-shouting at someone. Little late for that.

"There will be rules and precautions Legolas. Chill out." Tony replied with to much calm.

You turn the corner to look for the topic of conversation. A tall pale man stood by the elevator next to Thor. He was dressed in a long leather suit with intricate green and gold accents. Each time Clint responded to Tony or Thor, he rolled his eyes and scoffed. One could easily see that he was attractive. So why was he in this tower full of idiots?

"My brother has changed. It's been two years. Please, give him a chance." Thor was being more fragile with Clint. 

Wait-Brother? Thor told you about his family many times before, and all stories about his brother usually ended in him being stabbed, or them ignoring each other until one reluctantly made up with the other after much encouragement from their mum. He had also told you that his brother, who you knew to be Loki, was responsible for an attack on New York. You had severe trust issues, and trusting anybody was out of the question. But you had just heard that he threw Tony out of a window. Loki had to stay now.

"I think it's fine," You finally added in. You walked over by Loki, holding up your hand. "We haven't met yet. My name is (y/n)." He looked at your hand and hesitantly took up your offer. "Don't worry, I'm not a disease." Noting the way he allowed the corner of his mouth to tilt upwards, you could tell he had a sense of humor at least.

"Loki. My name is Loki." Once your little interaction ended. You faced the group. "I say we keep him. He didn't kill me, and on multiple counts, I've been labeled most 'Kill-able'," Unfortunately true, but you took it as a compliment. " Plus he threw said Stank out a window."

You enthusiastically skipped out of the common room and into the kitchen, while a number of reactions were heard. You knew Tony would not only have his mouth open wide in shock. But the most important reactions were the others giggling and snickering as they followed you to the kitchen.

You made yourself a cup of coffee as you listened to them finally start to compromise rather then argue. (If you don't drink coffee, just switch this out). You conjured an ice cube as Loki walked in the kitchen moments later with Thor by his side. Thor slithered next to you while chaos ensued behind you near the T.V. 

"Thank you for standing up for my brother (y/n), but if you don't mind me asking... Why?"

You though about why. It puzzled you just as much as it did Thor. You didn't truly know him. You had met him just seconds ago. All you could pick up was his style, sense of humor, annoyance towards Tony and Clint (which you dully noted you both shared), and well- his looks. He was good looking. But even with all of that, why?

"I'm not sure, but everything happens for a reason right?" Thor seemed pleased with your answer, and so he slipped away to the rest of the team, Pop tart in hand.

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