What is today?

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This day wasn't nearly chaotic as the one before. You woke up and made breakfast for yourself, before heading back to your room. Finishing some mission reports, and reading for the better half of the day, you eventually decided to take a walk, go outside. You changed your clothes and threw your shoes on before reaching the elevator.

"Hey, I'm going for a walk anyone wanna come with?" No response. "F.R.I.D.A.Y., could you announce that I'm going for a walk and if anyone wants to join me they can?" 

"Yes ma'am." You waited by the doors, tapping your feet and checking your imaginary watch, just in case Tony was watching the cameras trying to mess with you. 

"Miss (y/n), Mr. Stark has requested your presence in the lab." 

What? He's got to be screwing with you now.

Alright-y then, you walked through he Tower and up to the lab expecting someone to jump out at you, or the lab to be empty when you got there. Trust issues, remember? But no. When the lab doors opened you saw Tony, Bruce, Thor, and Fury in the room. When did he get here?

"Hey kiddo, Fury has been informed of Loki's arrival, and his stay. He's asking us about it, and when I told him that you stood up for the guy, he had some questions." Well shit. Didn't know this could go so bad, so quick.

"I just thought that maybe he deserved a second chance. Thor is my friend and if he believed his brother has changed, I'm willing to back him up. Besides, the more the merrier." You said the last part as more of a question, waiting for a "You're fired" or a "Fix this now", but he only shrugged and walked behind you out of the lab. What is going on?

As you turned to watch Fury leave, you saw the rest of the team, including Loki standing by the door.

"What is today? I mean the Nick Fury isn't yelling or picking at us for every little thing. And he let this big thing go like it was nothing." You muttered under your breath.

"I'm just as confused as you Elsa." There it was. Something normal. Tony's incessant nicknames. 

"Elsa?" You heard a voice behind you. Facing said voice, you saw that it was Loki with the same confused expression from yesterday.

"Tony gives every one nicknames, and mine is Elsa." You explained.

"Yes, I'm aware. Nick names are quite common among the Tower, but they all have reason behind them, what's yours?" He leaned in a bit to show interest maybe, but you weren't complaining considering it was towards you. He kept his distance from most everybody else, so this. This was progress. 

"I can control and manipulate ice and water, and there is a Disney character named Else who can do the same. Tony just thinks he's funny." With that last part Tony's face faltered, while Nat, Steve, and Bucky stumbled out of the room, giggling.

"Interesting." He finally replies after some time. 

"Well, I don't intend on ruining my walk, so for the final time, anyone who wants to go can come with." Just then the most startled expression settled on Tony's face. 

"We gotta decorate Horns room, and he should get a proper tour of the city now that he isn't destroying it,..." No, no, no. he wants me to babysit and be a tour guide.

"Don't worry, we'll all go. F.R.I.D.A.Y., tell everyone to get ready!" Tony shouted at the ceiling, and sauntered off to his room, you assumed. You and Loki rolled your eyes on que. 

"Well, get ready I guess." You got to spend the day with him and the rest of team. You weren't complaining about the Loki part, but most of the others would definitely annoy the hell out of you. So much for peace.

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