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Today you would finally get some action in. Not that kind, but at least some. After days upon days of nothing, a mission came up. Since you were seconds away from deteriorating, you took it up without a second thought. Someone had to stay behind, and the team voted Peter because he could watch over New York for a day or so with out anyone worrying about world domination. 

The quinjet loaded up with weapons, supplies, and now you were getting ready to take off.

"We arrive in the North and move in immediately. We'll make it to the back side of the building and get in from there. Then, we make teams. The brothers and the girls will go up and left from the entrance, and the rest of us, Me, Clint, Sam, Bucky, Steve, etc, will go down into the labs on the right side down. Twenty minutes later, or if any thing happens, we call for a meet up outside by the jet, and we leave," 

A hologram of he building came up to display the step by step of the mission. Simple as pie. Just like any other mission on Hydra, its just another one of their bases. While you couldn't say it was as easy for Bucky, he had Steve with him every time. 

"Got it?" Tony grabbed everyone attention again. Every one nodded.

"Alright, suit up underoos!" And just like that, the team scattered in pairs to get ready. 


Once you were all suited up, you split into your groups and landed a few miles away from the base. Bruce stayed back at the quinjet so you could get out easily, so he could talk to you guys and manage things calmly. 

Tony and Thor were up front leading the way until you were within sight. 

"Lo'real divas, that way," Tony gestured to your group. Just because we have hair, really?

"And the better divas, this way." Tony led his group to the right door. 

Thor walked to the left door and Bruce opened both doors on command. Once you were all inside, and the door shut behind you, things got dark. You and Wanda used your powers as light sources, and Natasha, Loki, and Thor walked behind you two. The entire goal of the mission was to get in and out unnoticed with a few files containing sensitive information from S.H.E.I.L.D. The other half of the team would make sure nothing else was going on in the lab, because they had S.H.E.I.L.D.'s data. 

Wanda came to a corner that turned into a few offices, but as you went through all of them you couldn't find anything. There was one room at the end of the hallway that didn't look like an office, but was worth searching. You entered first and went to the back of the room with bookshelves and file cabinets. Thor and Loki stayed up front looking behind pictures frames, and going through massive dressers. 

"Is this it?" Natasha said, holding up some yellow folders.

"Lemme see," You took the folders and looked through them. It was S.H.E.I.L.D. info for sure. There was a seal, and Fury's signature at the bottom.

"Yup, now let's-" Before you could finish you sentence Tony came on the comms shouting.

"So, we may have found a few officers lingering, and by a few, I mean a lot. I'm bringing the party outside, you guys get to the quinjet!" He was cut off by static, but he didn't need to say more because everyone burst out of the room and hurried outside towards the jet.  

"I don't see how that's a party." Natasha said while she ran past the horde of soldiers Tony mentioned.

Natasha handed Wanda the papers and told her to get to the jet so the rest of you could stay back and help out Tony's group. Steve caught up to you as you reached an isolated few and shot some ice spikes at them while you continued to charge through them. You caught sight of Tony and Bucky getting up close and personal with some officers. Vision and Clint were shooting them down, and Sam was talking the rest. You went towards Sam and propelled yourself up with and ice pillar and conjured a spear for both hands while dropping in the middle of a cluster of soldiers. Going around the group, almost like you were having them take turns, you impaled and sliced them till they dropped.  

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