Street Smarts!

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Wanda and Tony sat on the couch talking. Well, mostly Wanda.

"So how are we going to set them up?". Tony had been informed that (y/n) and Loki had  bit of mutual pining going on, but at this rate, it felt like it would never happen.

"I don't know, maybe we could pair them on the next mission?" Wanda inquired.

"No, it's (n/n)'s day off- Wait, that's it! Leave them both here while the rest of us go off to the mission! That way they're forced to talk, just the two of them, alone, in the tower. This giant tower! Street Smarts!" Tony jumped up on the couch and nearly hit the ceiling.

Wanda smiled while clapping her hands to prevent herself from flying everywhere for the third time this week. Tony jumped off and attempted to high-five Wanda, but missed and face planted. 

Their plan was perfect.


You awoke to the sound of birds chirping and light streaming in through your window. 

"Tony has requested all Avengers to meet in the conference room in, ten minutes." F.R.I.D.A.Y. announced. 

Sitting up with a groan, and stretching your arms out, you made your way to the bathroom to figure out if you looked presentable enough for an eight am conference. Eh, good enough. You though to yourself.

Putting on some socks after you brushed your hair and washed your face, you made your way to the conference room, through the kitchen and past the training room. When you walked in, no one was there, but there was a small piece of lined paper sitting in the center of the table. Making your way over to the note, a second pair of footsteps behind you caught your attention, at least someone else is here. Turning around you saw Loki looking around the room, just as confused as you moments ago. 

"Good morning dear." He said as he yawned, making his way over to you. 

Picking up the note, trying to not be flustered by Loki's grey sweatpants and white t-shirt. Simple, yet very effective.

"Hey kids, the team and I headed out on a mission last night, since it's your guy's day off, we left you alone. Enjoy the tower, and please for the love of God don't sent anything on fire- so they just left without us?" You read aloud, even more confused and slightly agitated.

Loki furrowed is brows and his mouth opened a little while he attempted to comprehend whatever this situation was. 

"Whatever," You threw the note down on the table and walked passed Loki making your way to the kitchen. 

"I'm not mad at you, so if it seems like it, just ignore me." You waved Loki off trying not to explode. Tony knew you loved going on missions, day off or not. It was your chance to take out some of your anger on pieces of shit bad guys, rather than piece of shit normal guys, like Tony. 

On the other side of things, you'd be left alone all day with Loki. The idea was nice at first glance, but you and Loki had never been fully alone. Sure you'd escape to the library together, but completely alone was different. But instead of wallowing in self-pity, you decided you'd make the most of this day. 

Yesterday you were both mindlessly flirting, and to say it didn't have any effect on you would be a lie. You planned on taking things a step further. Considering no one else was in this whole tower except the two of you, doubling down on the flirting and seductive behavior was the best thing you could think of.

Meanwhile, Loki stood in the conference room studying your words, 'just ignore me'. Loki had no plans to do such things, but he figured maybe that's what you wanted? No, surely you wanted to be near him as he did with you. Be figured he would get his answer by surrounding you with himself. Even though he was good at studying people, you were a mystery, but as of late, the flirting and touchy mannerisms where making some things more obvious.

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