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Loki, as of tomorrow, will have officially been at the tower for three months. That also meant your one month anniversary was coming up, and you had something special planned. But the plans were pushed forward when Thor made the announcement that his parents, and Loki's parents would be visiting to see how things were going.

Thor assured you that'd Frigga, their mother would like you, which helped. But it wasn't her your were worried about. Thor had told you about the time he took Jane to Asgard for help, and Odin tried to push her away and demean her because she was human. Yes, he came around, but only after he found out she had powers or something.

On top of all that, you knew Jane, and you liked her. She was nice, smart, pretty, funny, and had a great back for making friends. You met Darcy, and a man named Dr. Selvig through her, and you got along great with both of them. So how were you supposed to top that?

Luckily, you had one day left before they got here, so you wouldn't be panicking for at least another day. At first, you wanted to see what you could change to make you more likable, but you through the thought out the window when you told Wanda,

"So I can spend today and tomorrow, just kind of, revising myself." Wanda scrunched her nose, confused by your statement.

"Why? You're already amazing, and if they don't like you, that's their problem." You knew she was right, and instead of fighting her on it, you went with it.

"If you're really that worried, just tell them you contributed to the making of a quantum tunnel,  traveled through it for a week, and survived." She shrugged, and went to the couch where Vision was.

Again, you knew she was right, and you weren't so bad anyways.

So, in place of running around 'fixing' yourself, you took a much needed day off with Loki, something you hadn't gotten in a while. Walking to the library, you re-familiarized yourself with the halls. You had apparently been gone for a week, and in the time you were back, everyone was smothering you with questions and updates. Who knew so much could happen in one week? 

In short, you wanted to instill a little nostalgia, considering the fact that about a month ago, you and Loki made it official in that exact place. 

The familiar smokey scented tendrils creeped up your sense, the old books and hint of cedar making you reminisce even more. The tall walls of tales, decorated with beautiful intricate details that you could spend hours tracing your finger over. Turning into the fireplace room, you saw the three couches, small tables sitting on their sides, and a stray bookmark that resembled a knife. The same one Loki had when he became your crime buddy.

You figured you'd read for a few hours before you went through the tower. Maybe you'd train, work in the lab, or walk the neighborhood. After the quantum tunnel incident, everyone was worried about you. If you needed something off the top shelf, and tried to use your powers to knock it towards you, or make a little step stool, someone wold run in and help you like you'd just been shot at. 'Are you okay?, or even 'Everything's fine, I got it'. While you appreciated the extra help, you didn't like the pity and assistance you got from everyone. Part of you was starting to understand Loki's predicament. 

"I really need to finish this series." You picked up the last book of (f/s) that you had gotten half way through before getting distracted a month or so ago. You sat down, resting your head on one of the chairs arms and your knees draping over the other side.

Time with Loki was great. Time with the team was great. But since you were almost always under Stark's guilty supervision, time with yourself was rare. And so, so much more enjoyable. Distance makes the heart grow fonder.

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