You flirt

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(Loki P.O.V.)

Wanda came to me in the kitchen jumping and squealing. I had specifically asked her to refrain from confiding in me with one thing. Her relationship with the toaster. She only jumped and screeched with him as she was now, so I was completely prepared to plug my ears for a while. However, I wasn't prepared for her to start blurting out nonsense while grabbing my hands and smiling wickedly.

"(y/n)saidshelikedyoubuttoldmenottotellanyonesodon'ttellherItoldyoubu-" Wanda spewed. I barely made out any of what she was saying.

"Yes witchling, I understand you're excited but please calm down. It's much too early for Vision to have done something of this-" She had a tendency to wreck things when she got too excited, so calming her down and keeping her hat way was my best chance at survival.

"SHE LIKES YOU!!!" She started flying across the room, quit literally bouncing off the walls.

I froze in place. I had asked Wanda to investigate (y/n), to find out if she held similar feelings for me, so the second she said those three words I felt a light blush creeping over my face as it fell into a shocked yet numb expression.

My face quickly exchanged my surprise for a wide smile, which Wanda returned once she slowed down. This isn't how I imagined finding something like this out, but I was still so grateful. The fact that she returned my feelings was exhilarating. The original terror that plagued me had drifted away, and lifted a weight off my shoulders. This made everything so much simpler, right? The main interference with the evolution from platonic to romantic relationship was usually fear of rejection. Knowing that (y/n) liked me as well, moved the chances of rejection from 99% to about 50%. I could take that chance and risk my pride and self-esteem for that. I've done much worse with less promising odds, this is nothing compared to those things.

Wanda continued floating until I was able to calm her down. 

"So are you gonna ask her out?" Wanda held her hands interlocked in front of her chest like a lovesick child.

"Ask her out?" I understood what she meant, I was just couldn't tell what the rush was.

"Of course I am, in time..." She scrunched her nose.

"In time my ass! I want the who, what, when, where, and why so I can approve!" She crossed her arms. I stood staring blankly at her. I hadn't realized this part yet. I knew she liked me, but I had to properly offer courtship, or she would likely not accept. A new fear arose, making myself look like a fool. I would figure this out, tell Wanda, get approval, and carry out my plan. I would try.


(Normal P.O.V.)

Once you had finished getting ready, you could hear Wanda continuing to squeal and bounce around outside. You went to the kitchen in hopes she would've left so you didn't have to face her. Considering no red glow that sounded like a car alarm was flying around, bumping into things, she was probably gone. You grabbed some (f/f) before you decided would get to take a break from work today. You had been working non-stop the last two days and you were already exhausted. 10 hours a day two days in a row was more than enough for you. Granted it wasn't as much as you were used to, your energy was low, seemingly gone. 

But since most of your work was done, you wouldn't feel guilty about one little day. You'd probably spend it reading, which is exactly what you decided on. You went back to your room to change into some comfortable clothes, that weren't pj's. Normally you would've wandered around in just those all day, but you felt like a little confidence boost in the form of clothing that wasn't bluey shorts and a tank top, would do you some good.

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