Deja Vu

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You woke up the next morning tired and hungry. Making your way down to the kitchen, you made a cup of coffee and got started on making everyone else breakfast since you were feeling motivated. The table was set with food.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. could you get the others here for breakfast please?" A small beep was heard.

"Of course ma'am."

Minutes after, every one funneled in and started eating after thanking you. Although, Loki wouldn't even make eye contact the whole time, he muttered a thank you before taking his food to his room. 

"What's his deal?" Clint said through a mouthful of food.

"I don't know, but I'm gonna go see." Peter put down his food and went to his room.

Over the course of Loki's stay, you, Peter, and Wanda had become closest to him. Aside from that, he had a mutual respect for Natasha, Sam, Pietro, and Bucky. There wasn't really anyone he didn't like, other than Strange and his brother. Thanks gods for that.

Once Peter had been gone for a while, you decided to make your way to the offices. There was a floor in the Avengers Tower that contained lines and lines of cubicles that were put in place when it was Stark Tower, but now no one works there, so you come down to use it for work if you feel overwhelmed or need some peace and quiet to function. It wasn't a super welcoming space with the cool lighting and yellow walls everywhere, which was why Tony preferred to not talk about it or go there. Aesthetics, you guessed. But you took advantage of that fact, and made a clearing on the floor, and constructed your own office space that felt like you.

Setting your things down and planning out your day, you decided to go back upstairs to change.


After a long day of working you were tired out of your mind. Apparently the four servings of caffeine you had to power through the day all canceled each other out. Although, you got about a third of your work for the whole two weeks done in one day, maybe this wouldn't be so bad. The more you sat in your chair gazing at the ceiling, the harder it got to try and not doze off.

At some point in your thinking, you felt bad about what was happening with Loki, whatever it was. You couldn't tell what you'd done. But the one place in the Tower you knew you'd find him was the library. 

When you walked in, there was no smokey smell, and you could hear the fireplace start. You decided you would wait for him, because he'd come in eventually, you were sure of it. 

You gazed at the fireplace for some time before you could hear him come in. Looking up at him he had tired eyes, and his face was slightly puffy. He hadn't been crying but it seemed like his fatigue was starting to get to him. The emotional and physical. 

"Hey, you alright?" I finally said.

"I'm quite fine actually,"

"My brother was just jesting earlier about something I said." His face fell at the last bit.

"Oh of course, sibling love." Returning your attention to the flames, you saw Loki in your peripheral making his way to the chair next to you. You smiled gently at the action. You felt compeled to face him, so you did. Putting you legs in front of you, crossed, you looked up after getting comfortable and Loki's face was inches from yours. He was so close, and yet so far. You wanted to kiss and hold him, but would he let you? Your eyes drift to his lips and your heart speeds up. Loki moved closer to you, but not close enough. You brought your hand up to the side of his cheek as you both leaned in. 

Just then, everything around you turns to dust, the flames extinguish into the glow of a lamp, and the library fades to the office floor. 

Just a silly dream, a little crush, and nothing more.

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