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(Loki P.O.V.)

Two days prior

We landed in our destination. All we needed to do was get in, check their computers and leave. Easy. 

I was handed an ear piece, and instructed to walk with Pietro and Wanda. I did. We were told the password and the directions for the files we wanted to get to. We listened, and did so. We found the files, and we copied them into a hard drive. It was mostly harmless, but we also found some blueprints for some kind of weapon. We extracted what we didn't want them to have anymore, and we left.

The mission was simple and we had boarded the Quintet back to home. Tony was looking over the information and checking for anything too dangerous.

Then the blackout happened. The ship went black and I felt as if I was weightless. I could hear Wanda scream, and saw Pietro run to her. The windows up front showed the ground. Seconds later, I felt us crash.

My vision was blurry, and I heard a harsh ringing in my ear. I saw Clint above me, shaking me awake. Once I was up, I saw most everyone except for Pietro and Sam laying around the ship, surrounding by debris. Tony was frantically hitting his watch. Surely the thing was broken, I thought.

Pietro emerged from a pile of metal not to far from the rest of us, and seemed as if he was pulling Sam up. We could tell we weren't to far from New York. There was water separating us from towers and tall buildings. We knew we wouldn't die, but things didn't exactly look great.

Sam had managed to cut himself quit badly in the crash, so I healed him, and checked the others for injuries. I stayed close to Wanda, knowing she wouldn't be in the most tip top mental state. Everyone was worried, but her and Natasha were the only ones I cared to check up on. 

We spent the next few hours gathering together things that would be useful, and trying to figure out were we are. The sky got dark, and the breeze got colder. We all set up our respective 'sleeping bags', a generous label might I add, and prepared for nightfall.

The next day, I woke up to Tony holding me. What in the fu-

I kicked him off me and stared at him as he woke up, realizing what he was doing.

"Force of habit man." He shrugged and began gathering up his things. Once all the others, including myself, had done the same, Tony went in front of us,

"Alright, so I found out the walk from here to the nearest cell tower shouldn't be more than 30 minutes. We can get there call Fury, and be home in two days max." Two days over our previous max, but okay.

One long walk later, and we could see metal fences surrounding the cell tower Tony spoke of. Sam, Pietro, and Clint circled the tower, 'looking out for bad guys'. Wanda, Natasha, and I stood with our things, passing the time with a comfortable silence. Wanda sighed deeply.

"Are you alright witchling?" I had called her that once as a joke, and she smiled before telling me she liked the name. So I kept it, and used it, all the time.

"I will be once we get home. I'm worried about the others. They don't do well under pressure, and if we're missing without any word as of why-" She started spiraling before I simply grabbed her and held her in a tight embrace. I would never say out loud how fond I was of her, but seeing her so worried and spewing nonsense worries made me anxious for her. 

Wanda silently cried into my shoulder while Natasha joined the hug. A few minutes later I pulled back to look at her tear stained eyes. Pietro came back with the rest of the team, and took over for me. Clint looked at me, and nodded upwards, in what I hoped was some form of respect before patting the back of my shoulder, and following Tony. 

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