Brush of Pain

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You awoke the next morning to find Loki's arms wrapped around you. Shifting your position to face him, you saw him stir in place. You pressed feather light kisses across his face as he slowly opened his eyes, and he returned the favor once he was fully awake.

"Good morning Loki." A smile crept up on his tired features.

"Good morning Princess." His gravelly voice finished, before pulling you closer.

You both layed there for a moment longer basking in the fresh sunlight and the love filled air. Love

You heard a deep groan followed by a yawn.

"Dear?" Loki's voice was muffled into his pillow.

"Hm?" You responded.

"Do you remember our mission today?"

The reminder made you groan into your pillow before sitting up in bed.

"Unfortunately, yes." 

You dragged your feet to your dresser, and picked out a simple outfit. Jeans and t-shirt. You went to the bathroom and began brushing your hair, and put it into a ponytail. 

A shirtless Loki came up behind you and put his arms around your waist while resting his head on your shoulder. He moved his head up to your neck, but stopped when he saw the hickeys sprinkled across you.

"I can't believe you," You said jokingly, looking at his new discovery.

Once your hair was up, (sorry short hair peeps, just ignore this), you faced Loki and put your arms over his shoulders, pecking him on the lips,

"You best hope this shirt covers these up." You dressed yourself while Loki moved into the bathroom, doing his own thing.

Meanwhile you were both blushing and smiling like little kids.

Walking out of the room hand in hand, you made your way to the kitchen. You got out coffee, eggs, bacon, etc, and began cooking. 

Some of the team came in over time, tired and hungry. No one was screaming, no one was injured, and nothing was going wrong. As you said it in your head, you knocked on the wooden spoon you were using to mix pancake batter. (Pancakes are better, in my opinion. Plz don't start a war🙂).

"What was that?" Loki teased.

"Didn't want to jinx this nice morning we were having." You responded, not looking up from the batter.

Loki kissed your temple and continued setting plates down while watching the eggs.

You would make great parents.

You spun around to see the source of the voice, and a suspicious Wanda was looking around 'innocently'. You shot a small blue spark at her, and turned back to your things.

About 20 minutes later, you had served things up to everyone else, and started on your own meal.

"Thanks kiddo," Tony saluted you, and took Bruce and their food in the direction of the lab. His head came around the corner a moment later,

"Also conference room, once your all done, we got that thing from Fury to do." He gave, and received several thumbs up, and you all continued eating.

Trying to brush off Wanda's previous words, but also decipher them, you zoned out over your half-eaten plate

Taking care of all of us, the cute little kisses, you two are just so adorable...

Wanda said telepathically before you shot her a threatening look.

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