Eyes wide shut

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At this point Tony and Wanda knew their plan worked. F.R.I.D.A.Y.  had informed them what happened in the library. Not all the details, just that their plan was successful. Wanda passed out, and Tony screeched at a level that only dogs could hear. This Vision and Pepper to rush in. When they found out, Vision started overheating while trying to wake Wan up, and Pepper had to quite Tony down, and keep herself calm at the news. 

Bucky and Steve rushed in, so Sam and Pietro followed suit. Eventually the entire team, including Ned, had rushed in and found out. 

"We can't tell them we know, though!" After Wanda woke up, she made everyone part take in a pact, no one could say they knew.

"It's there little thing, so let's just let them have it for while. You know, before the tell us." Everyone agreed and several pinky promises, and threats from Natasha were made.


Loki woke up with his arm around you. Grinning like a mad man, he leaned over you and peppered kisses over your face, before nuzzling himself back into your shoulder. 

You woke up to the feeling of kisses being sprinkled on you. Watching as Loki buried himself in the crook of your neck you giggled, catching his attention. 

You let him move around, just basking in his presence, really processing the moment. Loki moved his hands under you and picked you up by your back, sitting you on his lap.

"Good morning darling." He smiled as he kissed you. 

"Good morning," Wrapping your arms around his neck and copying his previous actions resting your head on his shoulder facing his neck. 

You both sat there for a while, holding each other, in complete peace. 

Loki was scared and nervous. But not anymore. He wasn't scared of rejection, he was anxious, he wasn't convinced that he was unworthy of this feeling. He was content with just holding you close to him, feeling your breath on his neck, feeling your chest rise and fall on his.

You weren't upset or worried, like you used to be. You didn't have to hide how peaceful you felt around him, how safe you felt. Despite him being called a 'monster' by Clint, and 'untrustworthy' by Tony, he was your savior and the only person you felt you could confide in sometimes. 

Sitting there carefree, beaming with joy, was much needed. Loki had come to the tower three months ago, and those had been the best three months of your life. And now, his 'visit', which you were praying would be semi-permanent, would be even better.


You made you way to the kitchen, getting something to drink, and starting on breakfast for you, and the team. You would've just made something for you and Loki, but you didn't want the team to know just yet. You wanted it to be your little secret with him for a while. You'd preserve the thrill of being secretive, and then tell people as it came.

Once everything was made, you had F.R.I.D.A.Y. bring them in.

"Morning!" A chorus of yawns and tired stretches marched into the kitchen, eyeballing the food you'd just made. Some looking like they'd crawled straight out of hell, and others looking like they had a filter on permanently, people began stuffing their faces, and thanking you. Eventually you brought your own plate, and a second one to your room, once everyone had left. Loki was taking a shower, so you left his food on his nightstand, and began getting ready yourself. 

You had finished up in your room, and Loki had dried himself off so he was walking around with just a towel around his waist. You knocked before walking in to see Loki and his abs, that must've been chiseled by the gods, by his dresser.

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