Isn't it Strange?

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Eventually, Peter got over the pranking predicament. Eventually, meaning about a week. But by that point, you had forgot to.

It was just another day in the tower. Sam and Bucky were arguing over Blooket characters, Peter and Ned went back to building Legos, and in classic fashion, everyone else was hiding away in their rooms for their one day off. Considering that you were the Avengers, Earth's mightiest heroes, as Tony put it, you didn't get weekend off, or vacation time all at once. Once or maybe three times a month, a little over half the team would get the day off. But since today wasn't your day, you decided to go for a jog around a few neighborhoods, just to scope things out. 

You put on leggings and a sports jacket, and put your hair into a ponytail. Shoes? Check. Phone? Check. Sanity? Nah.

Struggling to get your shoes on while you practically tripped towards the door, it opened in front of you.

"Agh!" You fell onto the poor stranger. But as you looked up, it was a different Strange. 

"Hello to you too, (y/n)." He picked you up by your side and set you straight up. Peter, Sam, and Bucky had come into the room to see what was going on. 

"Oh, hi sir!" Peter waved enthusiastically before swinging back to his Hogwarts Castle build. 

"Sup." Sam and Bucky simultaneously said, before leaving you knowing there was no danger.

"Anyways, whatcha doing here Strange?" You finally got to ask.

"I heard that today some of the team were off so I figured I'd swing by and make sure that good ones can at least jump in if anyone needs anything."

On cue, Tony slide into the room and stormed over to the elevators.

"Listen here you Bleecker Street Magician, everyone in this tower is a 'good one', especially me! So if you and your magic sparklers want to come to MY TOWER-" Apparently Strange was no longer willing to listen to Tony, so he conjured a portal below him and closed it quickly, in no way wanting to listen to him screaming as well.

"Seems like the good ones will be just fine," Nodding and walking to the stairs instead not wanting to run into, or trip into anyone else again.

"Wait, where are you going?" He swiveled around to face you.

"Out!" You shouted before closing the door behind you.

Once you were gone, Strange investigated the tower, weaving in and out of hallways from the lab, to the kitchen, and back to the common room. Loki and Thor wandered in once Strange was done with his tour, and Loki already didn't like him. Strange sighed, not noticing the brothers, and waved his fingers in the air, opening up a portal in front and above him. 

"AGHHHH!" Tony hit the ground with a thud.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Tony jumped up to reach Strange, but he swiftly disappeared into a portal of his own.

Tony turned to see the brothers snickering behind him, to which they immediately turned away and walked back to their rooms.

Loki whispered underneath his breath, "That's how it feels!" Pumping his fists into the air before heading to the library.


Walking through alleyway after alleyway, you finally bumped into someone shady. You made yourself look small and distracted, and just like you hoped, someone jumped behind you.

"Hey!" He grabbed your hair and pulled you to the ground, but before he could completely overthrow you, you did a kip-up and faced him before backing away making sure no one was looking. You iced his legs up to his knees and he screamed in shock at your abilities and the sudden cold surrounding him.

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