Chapter 2: The Appear Of Amazon Omega

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3rd POV:

Previously Of Into The Spider-Verse: Spiders Meet Amazon Omega.

George: "Jesus....Mary and Joseph...." He said to himself with choke little bit and make him turn his head to look something on the hanging upside down...there was an 8 dead bodies of these thugs who are hanging on the upside. They both are...skinning alive....they are fucking skinning alive!!!!!!!!!!! Holy shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When he was seen like this and he never experience how much horrifying fuck up like this and make him was felt little bit to be afraid of this...and make him was horrified at it.

Capt. Stacy: "What happened here?" He asked him.

???: "I don't know sir...these guys were thugs and they both hanging upside down when they were harassing a woman." He said to him and make the captain turn his head to look back at him.

Capt. Stacy: "Is she alright?" He asked him.

???: "S-S-She's fine...but she was lucky to be alive and save by someone....and she could describe it was him." He said to him.

Capt. Stacy: "Him? Who?" He asked him.

???: "I don't know...maybe you should talk with her." He said to him and the captain was walking toward to the woman over there by himself and make him is walk up there and then he saw the poor woman was terrified for herself for what she saw something back there and it was horror. Then the poor homeless woman was definitely scared as hell and make her is shaking and keep shaking then Capt. Stacy asked her.

Capt. Stacy: "Ma'am, how are you?" He asked her.

???: "I-I-I'm fine...but I am truly scared right now....but that thing is back there and it is scared me." She said to him.

Capt. Stacy: "Okay, we can talk right here and right may I ask you a question so I can let you go." He asked her and make her nod her head.

???: "Alright, just hurry." She said to him and make him was opened the note out and then he was ask her in question and she begin to explaining to him about what happened back there and it was horror for what she just witness...these thugs were surrounded her and tries to harass at her by themselves. Then she saw the appearance of the metal figure who was appeared out of nowhere and he is a vigilante that he land down on the ground and make him was turn his head to look at the criminals and killed them by himself.

After she saw him kill them like a wild beast or animal and make him was definitely take them out already by himself.

After she saw him kill them like a wild beast or animal and make him was definitely take them out already by himself

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Capt. Stacy: "You saying that he wore a metal armor on by himself?" He asked her.

???: "Yeah, man! H-H-He was something else more like a wild animal...I saw his face and he had his mouth opened...oh god...his face looks like a lizard...a goddamn lizard and he just ate the last thug like bite his head off and drop down on the ground." She said to him.

Into The Spider-Verse: Spiders Meet Amazon Omega (Spider-Gwen X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now