Chapter 10: The Portal

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

Gwen: "Let me help you, (Y/N)! P-Please!" She said to (Y/N) and make him was still on his bike and he was start the engine of his motorcycle and make him drove his bike to moving out to somewhere else in this New York city.

(Y/N): "You can't help me, girl." He said to her.

Gwen: "NO!" She said to (Y/N) and she tries to catch (Y/N) up but he was disappeared on her sight and make her was shout out in anger and she slam her fist down on the ground and pretty much pisses off for what she lost (Y/N).

Gwen: "NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!!!!!!!!!!" She shout out in anger for herself and make her slammed her hands down on the ground again, again, and again for what she was really remembered the whole things in her head. Then she didn't know (Y/N) was gone...and he is actually gone forever and he won't even come back to her because he doesn't want to be with her because he found the truth.

Gwen: "WAIT! WAIT!!!! (Y/N)!!! PLEASE DON'T GO!!!!!! I DON'T WANT YOU TO GO AWAY FROM ME!!! PLEASE, I DON'T WANT YOU GONE AWAY LIKE PETER!!!! I KNOW WHAT I DID TO YOU AND YOUR BROTHER PETER! I'M SORRY! I SHOULD BE THE ONE WHO BLAMED MYSELF FOR WHAT I DID BACK THERE!!!!! PLEASE, FORGIVE ME!!! GIVE ME A SECOND CHANCE TO SAVE YOU AGAIN!!!!!" She shout out to (Y/N) and then he was drove his bike and make him just stop his bike right there and waiting for her response again and then she wasn't going to say but he driving his bike away.

Gwen: "NO! NO! NO! NO!!!! NOOOO!!!!!!! PLEASE! DON'T WALK AWAY!!!!! PLEASE DON'T GO!!!!! COME BACK TO ME!!!! COME BACK TO ME, PLEASE!!!! (Y/N)!!!! (Y/N)!!!!!!!!" She shout out to (Y/N) and it is too late that she saw him was gone and vanished away from here and then (Y/N) was heading out to somewhere else.

Gwen: "Please, don't go (Y/N)...please don't go....please don't go, (Y/N)....Please...come back to me." She said to him and make her was sobbing and keep sobbing by herself and she want to see (Y/N) again.

In Next 6 Weeks Later.

No sign of (Y/N).

Because she is searching for (Y/N) and she couldn't seen him and make her was stood right there and waiting for what happened next.

Gwen: "*Where are you, (Y/N)?*" She thought herself.

Gwen: "*Please, don't go...please...don't leave me...I don't want you to be gone...I want you to be with me forever...but I am in loving with you, (Y/N). I am truly in loving with you!!!!!!! I wish to be there forever with you!!!!*" She thought herself and make her was stood on the rooftop's building and she is worrying about (Y/N)...she was wondering to know where he really is.

Gwen: "*Please, (Y/N)...I need you.*" She thought herself but before she was about to moving on but out of nowhere an portal appeared behind her when she was tries to find (Y/N).

Gwen: "What the?!?" She said to herself and she was tries to get away but until she was been pulled into the portal by itself.




Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) was sat on the bed by himself in the seat and then (Y/N) felt his memory is return back to him and it is hurt his mind and he definitely feeling it...and definitely it is hurt like a lot and make him felt his mind get broken and damage. Then (Y/N) can felt all every memories for what he was felt it and hitting him in the head and make him was raise his head up to look up.

 Then (Y/N) can felt all every memories for what he was felt it and hitting him in the head and make him was raise his head up to look up

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(Y/N): "*Groan* Damnit...Damn it all." He said to himself and make him was lean back of his head in the memory and make him sigh.

(Y/N): "My name is...(Y/N) (L/N)...and I-I-I...can't remembered the whole things." He said to himself and make him was tries to remembered until there was a portal appeared out of nowhere where it is land down right in front at (Y/N).

(Y/N): "What in the-" He tries to said and he was been suck through by the portal and his bike too.

Now he was gone and disappeared by the portal suck him and teleport him into different universe.






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To Be Continued.

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