Chapter 3: Amazon Omega V.S Kraven

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

Then out of nowhere the figure just kick him in the chest and send him out of the stairs and send this motherfucker to the wall of building and crashed it like nothing and this get the attention of the other terrorists, Spider Gwen, and Kraven.

Then out of nowhere the figure just kick him in the chest and send him out of the stairs and send this motherfucker to the wall of building and crashed it like nothing and this get the attention of the other terrorists, Spider Gwen, and Kraven

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Omega Amazon: "*GROWLING*"

Ghost-Spider: "W-What in the-" She was gasp out for what she saw the new vigilante for himself that he was appeared here by himself and looks like dangerous for what he become like this and make him just stare down all over on these terrorists, Ghost-Spider, and Kraven. The Amazon was look around and stare at them little bit and make him begin to walking downstairs by himself and he is going down there like foot single to step down and prepare to going down.

When Omega was begin to walking downstairs by himself and keep going right away and Omega just got down here and until he was finally reach down there by himself and make him stood right there like bad motherfucker. Then one of thug who was laugh out little bit and he was shout out to Omega and he tries to strike Omega.

Terrorist: "Fucking Die!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out and make Omega was reverse it and he grab the bastard's hand and break his hand off and make him was screaming out in pain and then he got his neck slash across by Omega.

Then Omega was grab the body of the terrorist and make him was begin to ripped the part of terrorist up badly and bloods were spilled out.

(A/N: Imagine Alpha as (Y/N) with killing style right there scene.)

When Gwen is watching horror that she saw Omega Amazon killing those terrorists like nothing but torn them all apart off with his bare hands and then she never seen how strong of Omega Amazon really is and he was definitely terrifying monster for what they should be afraid of. Then the beast was killing many of them like nothing and but he is a wild animal and beast...savage beast to tear anything who stood on his ways.

savage beast to tear anything who stood on his ways

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Into The Spider-Verse: Spiders Meet Amazon Omega (Spider-Gwen X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now