Chapter 16: Into The Spider-Verse/Final Part 5

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3rd POV:

Back to Miles.

When Miles was fighting this Kingpin and holy shit...this dude is pretty much big and he is completely terrifying for himself and he looks like a huge dude with his suit business to dressing on by himself and seems to be alright perfect fit for him to dressing on. Then Miles was having a hard time to fighting with Kingpin by himself and seems...the new Spiderman know what he tries to do and make him keep fighting at him.

Kingpin: "This time...I will kill you again and again that I will take you down just like the other Spiderman that I killed." He said to him.

" He said to him

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Wilson Fisk, who is secretly known as the Kingpin, is a multifaceted figure within the City of New York. Rising from a troubled childhood, Fisk navigated through a path entrenched in crime to eventually become one of New York's most influential and feared crime lords. As a young boy growing up in the streets of Hell's Kitchen, Fisk encountered numerous hardships that shaped his perspective on power and control. Despite his rough upbringing, he exhibited a remarkable intellect and keen business acumen. Fisk's journey from a troubled youth to a criminal mastermind began as he climbed the ranks of organized crime, solidifying his presence as a formidable force in the criminal underworld.

Fisk's imposing physical stature is matched by his strategic brilliance, making him a force to be reckoned with both mentally and physically. His control over the criminal activities in New York City earned him the notorious moniker "Kingpin," a title that encapsulates his dominance in the city's crime syndicates. His criminal empire spans various illegal enterprises, from drug trafficking to extortion, and his influence extends far beyond the streets, reaching into the highest echelons of power in the city. Fisk's aspirations for control and power often clash with the endeavours of superheroes like Spider-Man, Daredevil, and other defenders of justice who aim to thwart his criminal activities and bring him to justice.

When Kingpin was about to kill Miles but out of nowhere something just whipped at the back of him and make him was yelled out in pain and he was turn around to look and he saw there was (Y/N) with his Omega Amazon form.

When Kingpin was about to kill Miles but out of nowhere something just whipped at the back of him and make him was yelled out in pain and he was turn around to look and he saw there was (Y/N) with his Omega Amazon form

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(Y/N): "Leave the kid alone, Kingpin." He said to him.

Kingpin: "Who are you?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Me? I'm just a guy who's going to kick your ass." He said to Kingpin and make him was growling out little bit and then Miles was got up from the ground and then the two of them turn their heads to look each others and nod their heads and make them were charge toward at Kingpin. The two of them were beating the shit out of Kingpin and (Y/N) who was stronger and he know how to handle at Kingpin and Miles seem to work together with (Y/N)...the two of them were killing Kingpin.

(Y/N) was finally knock Kingpin down on the ground and make him was goes on top of Kingpin and he is beating the shit out of Kingpin with his fists and keep beating the shit out of him until he stop moving

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(Y/N) was finally knock Kingpin down on the ground and make him was goes on top of Kingpin and he is beating the shit out of Kingpin with his fists and keep beating the shit out of him until he stop moving. Then Kingpin was spat bloods out of his mouth and (Y/N) was grab his face and (Y/N) use his right claws or gauntlet prepare to stab him.

Kingpin: "Go ahead...finish me!" He said to (Y/N) and Miles seen this and he doesn't want (Y/N) to doing it and (Y/N) just gonna kill him but he decide to let Kingpin live this time and he just throw Kingpin down on the ground and he said.

(Y/N): "Nope, not this will fall where you belong to." He said to Kingpin and make the fat motherfucker was fainted and (Y/N) turn his head to look at Miles and he said.

(Y/N): "He's all yours, kid." He said to Miles and make him was smile and then the machine comes from this thing and it is going to blowed up right now and all everything will blowed up right away. Then here comes....explode from the machine...but (Y/N) was decide go back to the portal and which it is heading back to his own universe with Gwen.

To Be Continued.

Into The Spider-Verse: Spiders Meet Amazon Omega (Spider-Gwen X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now