Chapter 5: Omega Kills Again

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3rd POV:

Next Morning Later.

When (Y/N) was stood right there and make him still stare down at the grave of Peter Parker...his best friend...also brother to him and make him was still stare at it and this make him just felt like loss...and his emotion was break into half little bit. Then (Y/N) was decide to walk back to his own home right away and leave...and make him felt silent and he had no words for what he is gonna say but the truth is...that (Y/N) will tear those motherfuckers apart off by himself.

He will leave no one alive and only criminals and supervillains that he need to kill and hunt them down by himself and he just don't know what to do next

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He will leave no one alive and only criminals and supervillains that he need to kill and hunt them down by himself and he just don't know what to do next...but he will do whatever it takes that he can make this world better. Then (Y/N) was walking up to the warehouse over there and make him went up there and he just opened the door and went inside there and he saw his bike was there and also the table with everything files also pictures hanging on the walls.

The target names of those supervillains lists that he just killed.



Dr. Lyla Bennett.




Sam Built.


All of them were been killed and terminated by (Y/N) with his Amazon Omega form and he kill them like one by one by himself and then he just stood right there and chilling little bit and make him was sigh out and heard the groaning noise. Then (Y/N) was turn around to look over there and he saw there was a person who sat there by himself.

He dressing all red business suit and wore a red sunglasses but his glasses got break little bit and then he was beaten badly bruises by (Y/N) torture him and torment his life all night and day by himself.

He dressing all red business suit and wore a red sunglasses but his glasses got break little bit and then he was beaten badly bruises by (Y/N) torture him and torment his life all night and day by himself

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Matt Murdock.

Matt Murdock was born to former workman/boxer Jack Murdock and paralegal/actress Maggie Murdock. One evening when he was accompanying his mother home from rehearsals, the two were involved in a truck accident. Maggie was left in a coma, and Matt discovered that, while the chemical waste spilled by the truck in his eyes had rendered him blind, it had also enhanced his remaining senses to superhuman levels.

Into The Spider-Verse: Spiders Meet Amazon Omega (Spider-Gwen X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now