Chapter 8: Omega Amazon's Reveal

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3rd POV:

Previously Of Into The Spider-Verse: Spiders Meet Amazon Omega.

Gwen: "(Y/N)...i-i-is that you? N-No it can't be....m-m-must be imagination." She said to herself and she wasn't know who is that person but she thought he was dead...and this must be dreaming in her head or maybe something worst but whatever it is that she just saw...looks like she need to know about this.

Gwen: "I need to know." She said to herself.

What else she can do?

Will she find out who he really is?

Is that him? Is that (Y/N)?

Or maybe someone else that she was thinking about but whatever it is that she need to know is going out at night by herself.

Will there be reunion between the two of them.

At Night.

When Gwen was in her Ghost-Spider costume on and make her was stood on the rooftop's building and she turn her head to look around and she notice there were bunch of those people were walking there by themselves

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When Gwen was in her Ghost-Spider costume on and make her was stood on the rooftop's building and she turn her head to look around and she notice there were bunch of those people were walking there by themselves. Then they both just begin to moving out to somewhere else in this world but until her and she just stood right there and chilling by herself and she was remembered about the flashback was hurting her about (Y/N) find out her identity and he just gladly to find out about her true identity.

Gwen: "(Y/N)..." She said to herself and make her was kneel there and she just stood right there and chilling by herself and then she got work to do is a hero...and hero must watching the city for crimes and criminals out there in somewhere.

Gwen: "*Maybe I will find out later...but first I need to going out right now.*" She thought herself and she was begin to moving out to somewhere else in this world by herself and she just need to be there quickly as possible. Then she didn't know that she was been followed by someone else was down there...and observe her who was leaving right away and the person who was responsible for himself is (Y/N).

(Y/N): "..." He isn't say anything but only way that he just watch Gwen was leaving right away by herself and make her begin to moving out to somewhere else in this world by herself...then (Y/N) just plan something like he is going to follow her by himself. But before he take his own move and he had a flashback past hit his own memory and make him just start to wake up in reality for what he remembered about what he done.

In Flashback.

(Y/N): "G-Gwen, y-y-you're Ghost-Spider?" He asked her and make him was holding the suit of Ghost-Spider costume from her backpack and make him was finally found out the truth about her was hiding and yes...he knew the truth of her. When (Y/N) was got called by Gwen and she want him to come her home and until (Y/N) got there by himself and make him realize to seen her room was perfect.

But the secret was finally come out.

It is finally come out by (Y/N) who was find it from the closet.

Into The Spider-Verse: Spiders Meet Amazon Omega (Spider-Gwen X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now