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"Let me fucking go you asshole!" The man had an Iron grip on my arm as he lead me through the hospital doors.

All the nightmares, the feelings of something wrong came at me in a flash.

"Look I don't know who you are or why we're hear but my boyfriend will kick your ass!" He ignored me pulling me down another hall. I dropped all my weight to the ground.

"Get up." He demanded. I looked away from him crossing my arms over my chest.

He bent down to my level on the floor.

"Your gonna feel like a real fool when you walk through those doors." His eyes captivated me I knew something was wrong now.

He swung me off my feet and carrying me bridal style down the hall He stopped at a door on the end. Opened it and dragged me inside before locking it.

"Heyyy!" I yelled banging on the door. He closed the covering so I couldn't see him. I sigh turning around. The room I once thought was empty was definitely not so empty anymore.

The room seemed to be getting smaller as I saw him.


"I love you but I can't do this anymore."

"Stop! Please stop!"


* * *

Yes it was him. Skin scorched scars on his body but it was him. He was alive.

A/N: So i actually just realized the work i published before on here was edited a little and I changed parts to make it better. The parts i saved are the raw parts i was to lazy to go in and fix i should've just fixed it though because i barely remember what i wrote. Either way the story lines pretty much the same gonna start continue and end the same bare with me if you remember some chapters differently please tell me so i can fix it.

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