Chapter 9

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Nothing and i mean nothing gets between me and my chocolate. Ever. Sad to say but i would miss my own funeral for some chocolate. Sorry cant make it they giving free chocoalte down the street but your dead- sorry cant make it.

Deckard comes into the ware house with a bag full of snacks sticking out. He hands me the bag and begins mixing a liquid iv hydration packet into a water bottle. I dig through the bag to find a bag of cheetoes puffs, Honey buns, Pickles, fruit snacks, cheez its, and new little debbies cookies and creme brownies. I raise my brow at the brownies taking the box out of the bag.

"Cozy." I comment on the cold drafty warehouse he was currently staking out in. I pulled the jacket hed given me when he took one look at my tiny dress a couple hours ago and left me here to get me some snacks. I suspect he really just didnt want to talk to me and needed to stash me somewhere safe for the time being. i grew worried as he took forever coming back but here he was.

Deckard starts toward me and kneels down to my eye level. "Thought you would like those." He comments picking up the bag in one arm and helping up with his other. He sits me at a wooden table and sits across from me sliding the water toward me. "Drink." I grab the water and sniff it.

"Is it poisoned?" I ask with a teasing brow he chuckles and looks away shaking his head. "Yes it poisoned and if it was you be able to smell." he rolls his eyes. I like the rare smiles i pull from him. I like that around me he can be his self sometimes. Or at least what i think is him being his self. I hold the water my lips. "Promise?" I ask before taking a sip. A burst of apple flavor hits my tounge and i instantly feel energize.

"What the hell if this?" I pull back in surprise. I read the packet on the side of him and inspect it. I would have to enquirer about these in the near future. A microwave sound pulls his attention and he goes to grab it out of site. I open the brownie and sniff it. ide never seen cookies and creme brownies. i take a bite and draw backwards as the oreo crumbs start to tumble down my shirt. I pick one out from my chest and toss it on the floor. Deckard slides a cup of noodles toward me and I open my mouth to speak or at least i try to. The brownie is thick and the fude is so sticky its keeping my mouth shut. The creme on top is sweet and taste like pure diabetes.

"I dont know how your finding this stuff but this is like war food. This is something you give to your enemy to deceive them into trusting you." I tell him offering him a bite. "I couldn't even talk thats how thicke this brownie was. Its really good though." i added the last part. He sat across from me and crossed his arms across his chest examining me from head to toe. He seemed lost in thought but the dragging silence was nerve wrecking.

"Do you have feeling for me." i burst out. Unable to contain the question. He doesn't seem surprised and merely looks around the room before his eyes land back to me.

"Yes." My face drew into one of confusion and guilt and many other emotions that he must've caught because he cut me off before i could open my mouth.

"Eat. Ill do the talking." For once i listened and kept quiet allowing him to explain himself. The humorous part in me wanted to say that was embarrassing for him but the logical part in me was screaming for me to keep my big fat mouth shut.

"Yes Valerie. I have a feelings for you. Your my brothers fiance and the mother of his child. I will always take care of and protect you." What a bunch of bullshit i wanted to say but instead shoved my red hot face full of noodles trying to keep me silent. he too went silent back to being lost in his own mind. I see the way he looks at me now. Different then before. hes kinder and more gentle and he actually talks to me. But he cant have feelings for me. I dont love him that way.

He's Owen's older brother. Owen idolizes him and loves him dearly. My love is not for Deckard it just cant be. He seems to know that too and is why he lied a moment ago. He's pushing me away and its probably for the best but i never wanted to hurt him so i ca nt let this go. I take off his jacket despite the immediate draft of cold air that attacks my skin as i do so. I put the jacket on the table towards him.

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