Chapter 2

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Hostage situations. Ive been over them a hundred times. Read a thousand self help calm and meditation books. I was trained by a DSS agent for this kind of stuff. Hell! My criminal baby daddy taught me what to do in this situation. And yet the difference is before i didn't have much to loose now with the child in my stomach i couldnt rely on my physical strength or quick reflexes to help me right now. I just needed to cooperate and use my psycological skills to crack this crook.

Defeated i decide to take a shower and try to clear my head. The thing was I could stay take care of Owen and take care of my baby. But Deckard doesn't trust me and I have to think of the best way to ensure mine and my child's safety.

There was also the matter of Deckard holding a grudge against Dom. I understood his anger and if I were Owen in a hospital bed right now nothing would stop my brother from ending the fuckers that put me there.

Still, I knew it was a lot but if I was going to have this baby it couldn't be in the middle of this feud between there mommy and daddy's family. I could never forgive myself birthing a child into this. It was a hard decision but if things didn't cool down by the time I was due for labor ide send me baby with Han and hide her.

He was the only person i could trust right now. I needed him. Why didnt he pick up the phone. Where could he be. I know i should give him his space while he was at Tokyo but something was just off.

My shower was quick and soon i was reaching for the nob. It opens freely. The sly fucker must've unlocked the door while I was in the shower.

My feet carry me down the stairs. I find Deckard in the kitchen a phone pressed to his ear. He looked me over 1 before turning to the giant window beside the table. I take a seat fumbling with the fruit in the center.

"Don't eat that." I swallow pursing my lips together. Our eyes meet and there's an empty silence that fills the air. I toss the apple a couple times trying to desiccate how i should play my cards..

"I know you don't like me-"

"Don't flatter yourself. I never said that, but I definitely don't trust you." I grit my teeth annoyed at his interruption. Looks like i hit a nerve and lost ground.

"Look I could've told that Owen was alive. I could've spread word about our location too. If you dont trust me trust Owen. Isnt that why your here? He was smart enough to put together a highly trained-"

"My brother is a fool who bites off more then he can chew im here once again cleaning up one of his messes but who am I to complain? Thats my little brother its ma job."

"by the way you were sleeping you have no idea where you are." He adds a hint of a victorious smile on his lips. I smile back bitterly staring past him I to the abyss.

"Hes not a fool. You have no idea what he went through to try and find you bring you home. Im sure if he knew getting himself killed would bring you out of hiding he wouldve faked his death a long time ago." Theres a look of hurt that flashes through his eyes. guilt remorse sadness. I know the cycle.

"I will not be lectured by a woman who let him be thrown off a plane. The same woman who betrayed him and nearly got him killed."

"You think it's that easy for me to sleep. Knowing what I did. My decision was never based off me and Owen. I loved him. Somewhere deep down in that big brother tough guy armor you know that."

He's quiet lost in thought by the looks of it.


"Okay?" I ask raising my brows. He looks back at me with a shit eating grin.

"I've got some business to attend. Prove to me you don't need a babysitter. " My mouth drops open did he really threaten my brother and expect me to sit here patiently.

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