Chapter 4

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Deckard pov

You can be the toughest man in the world and still be fearful. Only a fool wouldn't have any fear. My heart thundered in my chest and I fought to keep a poker face as I saw the messy scene before me.

I had got a start on Valerie half am hour ago and found she was staying in a motel. I'm greeted with the sight of the door open bullet holes in the wall and blood on the floor. As I cautiously enter the door I let out a breath of relief. There's a man on the floor with a phone cord wrapped around his throat. He holds a gun in his hand. I'm wondering how no one heard the shot or called the police when I see the silencer on the end of the gun. Someone tried to assassinate her.

The man began to to stir and I cracked my neck and got to work. I shut the door behind me yanked him into a chair and tied him up.

"Who are you working for." I ask calmly. He finally becomes aware of his situation. I wait patiently for an answer that I know he won't give.

"Well guess who just became useless-"

"Wait!" He cuts me off. I wait for him to continue.

"I wasn't to kill her. I was to test her." He blows a hair out of his face and I can see him working on getting out of the chords.

"Test her for what?" He thinks he's getting out of this the easy way but he was never more wrong. He still struggles with the ties and let's out a frustrated sigh before answering.

"Something above your intelligence pall." He smirks having gotten his hand halfway through the loop.

"Maybe so." The bullet leaves my gun and enters his chest just as he reaches for his gun. Only mine didn't have a silencer. I checked the room for any traces Valerie might've left behind. She cleaned up like she'd done it before because there was no trace she'd been in the room.

"Why do you care?" The man cracked half breathing. He almost startled me. I forgot he was still alive. I shrugged.

"I ask myself that question everyday." I say honestly before shooting him in the head. His body goes limp his brains blow on the ground. One things for certain Valerie can take care of herself.

Valerie's pov

I finally made it to LA the heat was excruciating. After years of living in cold with Owen 6 months was not enough time to get used to the hot LA air. I wiped sweat from my forehead and started out of the airport tiredly. I needed a phone there was no way I could walk to my house from so far and I would have to leave the motorcycle behind.

I sighed in frustration. I couldn't call anyone. I had no help right now. My thoughts were interrupted as an arm pulled my body close to their chest and started walking me across the street. I was startled am about to hurt them until I saw their face.

"Leon." I breathed tears threatening to spill from my eyes. He nodded his head to a black Honda and helped me into the car. He got in the driver seat and helped me buckle up.

"How." Was all I could say. After Jesse died he went off the grid. We knew nothing of what happened to him or where he was.

"I just needed to be away." He sniffs poking his cheek with his tongue. I couldn't hold back my tears as I held my arms toward him. He let me envelope him in a hug and his body started to shake letting me know he was crying. I soothed his hair and wiped my own tears.

After we'd both calmed down he started to drive at a dangerously fast pace."I need to get you out of LA. It's not safe anymore baby."

"Leon your not making any sense almost 8 years h-how did you even find me?" I asked the questions filling my head quicker then I could have them answered.

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