Chapter 6

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Valerie's pov

My body feels heavy and I cant move my limbs. I want to scream but the pressure is suffocating me. I want to cry but the pain is tearing my soul. Theres not enough air in my lungs and I cannot breath.

* * *

2 days later

I try to lift my lids they flutter but dont open. It takes every once of strength i have to move my lids. This time i squint into the bright light and the cool crisp air. beep. beep. beep. Theres a beeping noise somewhere close. My head is sort of fuxxy as i regain consiousnous.

When i can focus my surroundings i can see im in a hospital bed with an iv sticking out of my arm and a thick quilt over my legs. I can hardly see over my big stomach so i shuffle my body like a penguin until i can sit upright. Owen is beside me on another hospital bed the same as i left him and magdelene is sitting in a chair between the two of us.

Her arms are cross her legs is propped on the chair and shes looking at me with an attitude like she accepted me to wake anytime. She reaches toward me and flicks my forhead. I wince at the quick pain and grab my foread when i look back at her shes giving me a hug and trying to hide the tears that are pouring from her eyes.

"Why would you run off like that? I told you i would take care of you." She cried soothing my hair. My heart was heavy and my face grew hot with embarrassment causing tears of my own to start racing down my cheeks.

"Im sorry." I chocked on a sob a ran a hand over my stomach gently in surprise and appreciation. It was something i did when i wanted a cigerette. I hadnt done it in months considering i was pregnant. She looks down at me and runs her thumbs under my eyes wiping away my tears.

Maybe it was because i never remembered having this kind of love from my own mother. Despite everything she'd been told Magdelene didnt care what happened between owen and I. She took me in regardless and cares more about just me and the baby then a single person in my life has thought of besides han.

"You were right Valerie. He moved. My baby moved. The moment he heard you left we saw it." My eyes fluttered in surprise.

"W-What?" She beamed turning and placing a hand on his hair.

"He Loves you I know he does. Hes protecting you from his sleep. He wants to be here with you."


"Your injuries were brutal love." Magdelene painted a dark cherry red across my nail while i lay in the bed. A light smile graces my lips my tired eyes fight to stay open as she catches me up on what happened while i was unconscious.

"Your hand is broken, you had cuts all over your body, and bruises! Gosh when i get my hands on my son i swear ill strangle him." She mutters reminding me of my real question.

"Where is Deckard?" I ask casually.

"He left shortly after bringing you here"

I tried not to let it bug me that he was on his way to kill my brother. I couldnt blame him for how he felt but i wouldnt allow him to hurt my daughters uncle either.

"Can i call him?" I asked gesturing to her phone. She frowned slowly pulling her phone out.

"Are you alright?"

"Im fine i just-" She put her hand up gesturing shed heard enough. She set the polish down and called him.

"Dex? Its mum. Valerie needs to speak with you? Alright sweetie." She hands me the phone and walks out of the room to give me some privacy. I press the phone to my ear and hold it with my shoulder as i try to get out of the bed. My legs wobble as my feet hit the cold hospital floor. I drag myself to the bathroom the entire time listening to the sound of his breathing. I wonder who will speak first. The silence stretches on and im about to give up when he speaks.

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