Chapter 8

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Owens p.o.v. (when dom pushes him off the plane)

I have a good 3 hours in isolation to think about what a horrible idea it was to have valerie with me when i tossed letty off the tank. I shouldve killed her when i had the chance but instead i let valerie talk me into protecting her. In the end she turned on us and Valerie got hurt.

She brainwashed her. Theres no way i can return from what im about to do to her but its the only way i have out. Your my family Owen. Her words are in graved in my mind like one of the prayers that spill from her lips. Her smile is craved into my heart and I will find her eyes in the stars. Valerie was never with me from the beggining but she did care about me that i knew. The only thing i could do now to keep her safe is do what i shouldve a long time ago. I have to let her go.

The door to the cell im being held in flings open and i cant stop the relief from washing over my face. Its all the emotion i allow myself seeing her alive and healthy is all that matters to me.

"Valerie-" I start to say but am stopped by he burning sensation her hand leaves on my cheek.

"You fucking asshole you promised me!" I allowed myself to get angry with her. Truthfully theres nothing she could ever do to make me hate her but if i said it enough i might just belive it. I clenched my jaw and balled my fists. The handcuffs ingraned into my skin as i forced myself to blame her for being here.

"I know your working for hobbs." I spit the words are evil but true and she gives me the same reaction stupidly asking how i knew.

"Ive got a little spy on the other side. You mustve forgotten about that bitch when you went crying to your brother and agreeing to join them." She winced at the realization i was talking about riley. All our years together and shed never been that sloppy with her work. She hated Riley and that i knew. I could use Riley to my advantage.

"All those people-" Her voice cracked but she searched my eyes for any humanity i stared into her blue eyes imagining an endless void of nothingness. It helped with my expression because her face scrunched up in disgust and she twisted away from me to hobbs.

"Take me out of here, I cant-" She could her head chocking on a sob and that was the last i heard of her before the door shut and i was left in silence again.

Less then 2 minutes later the doors open once more and Im being dragged to somewhere. A guard purposely pushes me into the wall and then leads me in the room to reveal toretto and his team. My eyes instantly find My valeries ocean blue eyes. Im drowning in them so i turn to toretto letting my anger return.

"You guys really think youve won? This code you live by, is the reason you wernt in the game from the begining. I told you exactly what i was gonna do if you didnt walk away toretto." Visible tenses and i smirk. I got him right where i wanted him. He took my Val, Im gonna ruin his family.

"I told you i could reach out and brake you. Whenever I want, and i have." I get the satisfaction of seeing the unease spread across his face. He doesnt even know but hes worried.

"Call mia." I said simply. i hit a soar spot in everyone but no as much as I hurt Valerie because she springs toward my in 3 long strides and gets in my face.

"Shut the fuck up! STOP TALKING!" She yells instantly everyones attempting to pull her away. She breaks free and forces me to look at her and i want to scream. I want to light fire to everything around me and bathe in the flames.

"Stop this stop all of this! please im begging you!" She cries. I know how important her sister was to her. The one who stepped up and raised her when no one else was around. How i knew i couldnt come back from this made me drown further in my own void.But she has no idea that i cant. I physically cant stop theres nothing i do that will make this right but i cant drag her with me anymore. I let her be shuffled away from me.

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