Chapter 7

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"Deckard its Valerie of course you already know this call me back asap."

* * *

"Deckard I know your getting my messages call me back."

* * *

"Ive warned you Deckard. You didnt listen to me. Now im coming."

* * *

Owen is back connected to wires on the machine. Hes opted to speed up his skin graph surgeries to heal his face and the sedatives they've been giving him has made him sleep most of the day.

"Ill be back.3 days time. Promise me. Youll recover while im gone." I take breaks to kiss him in between my words. He smiles but his eyes show that his brain is far away. He absentmindedly rests a hand on my stomach. I brush the callouses of my fingers over his knuckles. He breaks out of his thoughts and gently brings my hand to his lips.

"When you come back ill be sexy again." He promises with a cheeky grin. I roll my eyes my lips twitching to smile.

"Your always sexy." I wink breaking away before i change my mind and stay behind. I walk to the door and stop once more.

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