Chapter 16

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"In 2 minutes 47 seconds Ill be gone for a whole day." I run my fingers through Owens hair gazing deeply into his eyes. He takes my hand into his and brings it to his lips. They hover over my fingers for a brief moment before he presses slow kisses to each one.

"1 minute and 53 seconds." I continue glancing at the clock on our nightstand. There a loud knock on my door and we both groan in annoyance. Still neither of us make any efforts to move.

"Im coming in!" Ramsey's words carry through my door just before she fails in her attempt to open it.

"Move over Ive come prepared." Letty follows. She sticks something in the nob and the lock gives with a click. When she enters my room she has a victorious grin apon her face. I scrunch my face in a snarl.

"Really wish i didnt teach you how to pick locks." i complain. She pays me no mind and with the help of Ramsey she breaks owen and I apart and starts shoving me to the door.

"Please dont make my job any harder."

"We have 20 more seconds." I cry in mock desperation.

"Give me back my wife." Owen makes foul attempts to overstep Letty.

"Shes not your wife yet and if you dont play fair ill make sure you dont get her." She threatens shutting the door behind her. I try to take my time soaking up the packed up house around me.

I knew this was temporary and we wernt gonna stay here forever but i already grew fond of the small house. Many memories no matter how small filled my head. This was the first home my baby knew. I follow the girls outside where Dom and Brian were moving boxes into the van. Dom stops when he notices me and starts over wiping his face with a rag and tossing it over his shoulder.

"Whats wrong?" I strug in response not meeting his eyes.

"Nothing" I mummble kicking a rock.

"Come on, im your brother V." It was clear from his stance arms crossed tightly over his chest and stern look on his face that he just wasnt gonna let it go. I poke my cheek with my tongue.

"Fine, It feels like im leaving all over again." He chuckles throwing an arm around my shoulder and leading me to the car where Letty and Ramsey were talking to Brian.

"Your starting a life of your own. We can make as many trips as we need to see each other but this is apart of growing up V. Doesnt mean we love each other any less." He enveloped me in his arms and squeezed tightly.

"Im gonna miss you." He admitted.

"Ill call everyday, well almost." I conclude. We broke apart and I glanced at the house one more time certain I saw Owen watching me from the window before stepping into the car.

* * *

I tap impatiently on my steering wheel trying to decipher whether its too early or not to get out of my car. If I decoded Leon's message correctly this is where he lives now. He was he last person I needed to see before I left LA. I pull up to the gate and am alarmed when 3 men suddenly appear armed surrounding my car.

"Well this isnt good." I mutter under my breath. Im just deciding weather to run the men over or reverse when Leon comes out of the gates. I force myself to relax and roll down my window with a smile.

"Almost made me a corpse Bride." I tease lowering my glaces so he can see my arched brow.

"Come here girl." I giggle and rushing out of the car to hug him. He lifts me up and twirls me around hugging me tightly.

"Oh i missed you so much." I cry squeezing his shoulders. When we broke apart he slung his arm around my shoulders. Leading me through the gate. For all the security that crawled around this place I didnt expect Leon's house to be a simple bungalow.

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