Chapter 12

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A/N: Firstly this is a very long chapter coincidentally this was the chapter i worked the hardest on and when this book got taken down the first time i lost the origional script to it so i had to get creative and make something else up. I dont want to sell myself short but if you read the origional chapter you'd probably agree with me and say it was way better and the emotion was more raw and heartfelt. Anyways i did my best and still think its amazing please enjoy ;) 

Trigger warning: Violence, blood

I sit at the head of a long table arms crossed in front of me jaw clenched as i stare at the man in front of me. My brother. We dont speak we dont smile or great eachother because now he knows if i wanted his helped i couldve reached out. Now he knows that im not happy to see him and neither one of us knows what to say.

I never got a chance to express myself or my feeling. I never got to understand my hatred for my brother. He left Mia all alone 14 years old to take care of me and herself. Keep the lights on in our house and make sure we didnt get taken away and put into foster care. He broke this family apart from the beggining and I always felt that way i just never could tell him.

Flashback (Han saves a Valerie who is over run with grief from making a mistake that ruin everything for her.)

She tossed and turned sweat persipatating down her forhead chasing eachother down her back. Valerie shifted her pregnant belly to the sidetrying to get comfortable but it seemed no matter what she did she would still have the nightmares.

Nightmares of Johnny Tran.

Nightmares of her best friend Jesse.

Nightmares of the love of her life.

She opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling of her childhood bedroom. The guilt was tarnished by an anger pouring into her heart. She sat up with much difficulty and pulled a hidden gun out from under a shoe box in her bed. She thirsted for vengeance against the one person who kept ruining things for her as long as she could remember.

She tried running away. She tried hiding. She tried to love someone and settle down but no matter what she wanted it seemed fate always had different plans for Valerie Toretto.

But if she had to be trapped in her own hell whos to say she couldnt drag on person with her. She clicked the safety off and stepped into the hallway of the little house. She creeped down the hall to her brothers bedroom. The close she got the more she felt like this was a good idea. But as she opened the door and saw him sleeping with her bestfriend a throbbing pain attacked her heart.

There was a mix of sadness and anger still swirling in her chest. Sadness because she loved her brother and didnt want him to die but anger because how dare he get a happy ending and she had to miss the person she loved most everyday. She pondered the thought a couple seconds longer but 2 strong quick hands pulled her back and closed the door. Han gentle took the gun from Valeries finger and disassembled it.

He wordlessly helped her down the stairs to his car and he let her talk about it all. he listened no judgement to anything she had to say amd he understood what it was like to miss someone like she did. Her owen had died just like his Giselle. Nothing could ever make it right but what he knew and had to explain to the poor young girl was that killing someone else she loved to avenge the person who was gone would only make her feel worse.

This was why han was so important to Valerie. He was the only one she could tell everything too and he never judged her or got mad at her decisions. He respected and supported her through everything.



We were running out of time. I knew this and so did Dom. Something he knew about his sister was i could be petty and so he spoke first.

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