Chapter 5

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Doms pov

Mr.Nobody turned out to be somebody. Deckard shaw was on his way with Valerie in clutch. Fortunately he has no idea we'll be waiting. I look around the plane at all the cars that hold me family. This is what we do. We are a team and I wont rest until my family is whole again.

Roman took charge and came up with a plan to get us on the road without being detected. I could tell he regretted this idea as he nervously fidgets in his car.

The plane rumbles and i click my seat and roll my shoulders cracking my neck. Tej's voice comes over the walkie talkie."Aye Roman you freakin out aint you?" I purse my lips in a feeble attempt not to laugh.


"Yeah you are" You can here the grin in tej's voice. Cant blame him its hard not to mess with Rome.

"I said No."

"Listen man it takes a grown man to embrace his feelings. If you need to cry just go ahead and cry." Letty laughs causing me to smile. If it wasnt for Val ide never would have her safe beside me here alive. Were geared up and ready to go but it feels like years are passing with every stretched second we wait.

"As your friend you know im concerned about your well being, which is why i took the percussion to put some adult diapers in your glove compartment." Brians face is a bright red his eyes tears from laughing. Tej has a victory smile on his face that turns into a wider grin as Roman speaks.

"Yo can you just chill out man?"

"I have seen some crazy shit Dom but this may cause some waves so lets try to keep it as low key as possible" Mr. Nobodys voice comes through the walkie talkies reminding everyone once again why were here.

"Dont i always" I answer.

"Tell you what knock it down a couple notches and ill switch out my Belgian for a keg of corona." Letty raises her brow at me daring me not to take the challenge. my lips curve into a smirk.

"Youde be doing yourself a favor there."

"Can somebody walk me through what were supposed to be doing." Rome exasperates in a panicking voice.

"Come on Rome this was your plan." Brian claps back unable to keep from picking on him.

"No this was not my plan." he fires back.

The lights beep and the alarm goes off signaling the plain doors are opening. My grip on the wheel tightens. and my foot on the break loosens.

"Game time!" Bryan calls starting his car.

"Ok here we go" i say before setting the walkie down I let go of the brake and the car rolls back before tipping me into the air. I hold on to what i can trying to get control of my car. Brian drops next a couple seconds later so does letty with tej following. Theres a great distance between tejs car and the plane and i pray that roman does let his fear get in the way of what needs to be done. I need his help. I need all of there help. I cant get valerie safe if im worried about everything else.

Thankfully Brians voice floods over the speaker trying to talk roman into coming down. No one intervenes knowing that Roman and Brian are childhood friends and if hed listen to anyone it would likely be Brian or Tej. We dont have to worry because Tej mutters a quick apology before the parachute pulls romans car out of the plain.

Valeries pov

I think back to Deckards words a few moments ago and realized what he said about my family. His car is racing at a speed that could kill us both but the fear dissipates into worry as i face him avoiding his gaze in a small whisper I ask.

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