Chapter 17

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Sometimes I get scared that all things ive worked to get are gonna be taken from me the moment i turn my back or blink an eye. Im afraid, Im always afraid always looking over my shoulder. Maybe its the assassin in me or the secret agent or the fact that i know when your as powerful as the men ive dealt with you dont go up against people with something to loose. Now I have everything to loose.


"What can I get You." Valerie addressed the men in her booth dismissive looking in her notepad awaiting there orders. She'd just started this job and would need it to continue living in london. She had seen the men come in and she felt there wandering eyes on her the whole time they were there. It was just her luck she got stuck as their waitress.

"How about an hour with you." The man closest to her chuckled bumping his friends shoulder. Her grip on her pen tightened in her hand and she took a deep breath. When she calmed herself she wore a smile.

"I know some of us think that were gangster because we treat woman like shit and we can get our way through life by being dicks but newsflash sweetie no one's attracted to washed up low jeans showing your ass out ugly peices of trash like you. The only thing I want is your orders to tell me or get out." The man tensed having been embarrassed in front of his friends. His eyes darkened and he stood up and leaned toward Valerie holding the table for support. He was taller then her had curly blond hair and despite the insults she'd said moments before he was good looking. His personality made him ugly. In the eyes of Val you could be a 10 but if you had no respect for others you were automatically a zero.

"Listen little bitch. I dont know who the fuck you think you are but dont you know I can get you fired." He threatens. I open my mouth to speak but i cut off with confusion as a man with I recognize instantly steps in front of me to intimidate the man who insulted me. The man strinks back making room for klaus to sit.. He has short White hair and his skin was always red to match the angry sour expression he wore. He was also real big and buff a body builder of the sorts and no doubt stronger then me. Klaus worked for Owen Shaw who seemed to have a thing for me.

"I think you want to apologize." Speak of the devil. There he was her night in a leather jacket and expensive shoes. She rolled her eyes crossing her arms.

"I told you not to bother me while im at work." She says a blank expression on her face. He smiles turning his back to the table of men to plant a kiss on Valeries forhead. he rubbed her shoulders knowing she was ticked off at him for showing up at her job but he couldnt help feeling protective of her. Sure they'd only meant almost 2 months ago but she unlike anyone he'd ever been with.

"Dont be mad baby, go you go back to work let me handle them."

"Owen." She warned looking to klaus who was keeping the men in check just with a look of his eyes.

"Go back to work love, Let me take care of you."


"London is different for me but different is good. I can adjust to-" Valerie sighs leaning back in her chair crossing a leg over the other to watch the man in front of her try to subtly text on his phone at the dinner table.

"Perhaps this wasnt the est idea." She starts to get up but Owen pulls her right back down switching the phone off.

"Maybe you just need some some fun in your life." She raised a brow more confused then offended. Until she heard the police cars and the helicopter.


"Ready to test those adjusting skills" He says with a mischievous smirk stretching his hand toward her for her to take.

"So you were listening." She crosses her arms the smallest smile forming on her lips. He drops his hand and brushes a curls strand of hair from her face.

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