Chapter 10

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The sky was a deep blue when i walked out of the warehouse. I started walking toward the road when i remembered i didnt know where i was going. I turned to walk back to Deckard for some help when 2 arms wrapped around me and pulled me toward the garage next to the warehouse.

I tried to scream but my voice was muffled by the hand on my mouth as i struggled against them. My captor let me go once we were behind the garage and i turned to see Owen holding his hands up in surrender.
"Its me Val, Its me. Breathe." I inhaled sharply and exhaled equally as fast. He put a hand on my lower back and willed me to breath normally. Once i was calm i swatted his arm.

"What the fuck!" I exclaimed he clamped his hand on my mouth and pointed to the cars that began to pull up to the warehouse. We both ducked down at the same time. Brian and Dom got out the car and Owen visibaly tensed. I placed a hand behind my back reaching for his hand giving it a tight squeeze. It would be a while before i fully regained his trust but right now he needed to know i was with him.

It was hard to see in the darkened light but it was evident there were many men with big guns and gear all here for deckard. Owen had a look of anger and recklessness in his eyes he started toward the warehouse but i pulled him back hating myself as i did. "You cant." I whisper thinking logically. He snatched his hand from mine not breaking contact from the men about to raid the warehouse. I dont think he meant to say it so nastily to me but it still hurt. I pushed that hurt down and pursed my lips tugging him back behind the garage.

"Yeah tell me your plan again big boy? Your just gonna storm into a garage of highly trained agents and thieves unarmed?"

"Thats my brother Val." I could here the indecisiveness in his voice. There was a part of him who wanted to help his brother but the other part of him knew he couldnt do anything right now.

"I know baby i know." I gave him a quick kiss and traced his cheek where his scars and scorch marks were. He flinched again and i hated it but i knew it would be a while before he felt comfortable with the world again. We just needed time. Time so much time and we were running out of it.

"Listen to me. I dont know your brother like you do, but he will survive this." Owens attention went back to Brian and Dom and i could see the gears turning in his mind like he wasnt listening to me. I quickly stepped in front of him blocking his view

"Deckard would not want you to leave your child fatherless!" I blurt out in a panic. His eyes meet mine and the indecisiveness leaves his eyes. He wraps an arm around my waist brushes hair out of my face kissing my forehead.

"Your right Im sorry baby." He whispers running his hands through my curls. I take a couple deep breaths to compose myself. Im worried about Brian more then I am about Dom. Its sad to say but i never realized how much the site of my brother made me murderous. I was always there for him. Always.

Even on drugs. Even when I was with Owen and he needed my help in Rio. He could always call me. Yet he didnt spare me a single thought when he threw my boyfriend off a plane. of course I was gonna punish owen for almost hurting Mia. But I was gonna do it by my own hand. Not his. Everyone looks at him like hessome great family man. He can change his family and change his mind and leave the fucked up life we had behind but i will always know who he truley was. I will never forget and I dont think im strong enough to forgive him either.

"Im gonna get you out of here ok. Trust me." Owen says kissing my head. He disapears into the shadows before i can tell him not to leave me.

"You ready for this?" Brian asks.

"Yeah." Dom says looking around. He stops and scans the outside and his eyes land on mine. He's squinting towards me and i stop breathing afraid to move. He strugs his shoulders and i let out a deep breath of relief as he walks into the warehouse. Its quiet for a while. too quiet. I lift my hand to my mouth to bite my nails and instantly dismiss the idea dropping my hand. Where was Owen and why was he taking so long? Did he decide to go inside after all? No. I had to keep my faith in him or we wouldnt work.

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