Chapter 3

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Magdelene fell asleep in the chair by the window I grabbed an extra blanket and layed it on her so she didnt get cold. Once I was finished I took my seat by Owen. My seat. My place by his side. It all seemed like a dream now. I was lucky he was alive lucky to be given this second chance. This miracle. In yet I couldnt help but realize just whats at stake here

I stared at his eyelids imagining his blue eyes once more. I wished he would yell at me get angry do something. But he just lay still holding my hand. I love him so much my heart swells with guilt as i can feel the anger start to pump with my pounding heart. He dragged me into the shit he had going on with the people he was working for and that i could never regret or be mad at. No, what really angered me what really set me off was the fact that My brother stuck his nose where it didnt belong and now im pregnant all alone with no hand in anything. 

I know nothing about the people Owen was dealing wtih because he  was dealing with them. Now my child is in more danger then ever. They may not come for me now, maybe in a week, maybe in a few months, or maybe right when Owen wakes. But I could feel it right in my gut, i knew they would come.

"I dont know if you can hear me or not." The hot tears pricked my lids threatening me to drop. I squeezed his hand gently for support. I have to ignore my anger, my pain, my own selfish need for clarification.

Not even the strongest man could withstand tears from an Onion. It didnt matter how angry i was. How much i wanted him to wake up so I could yell scream and fight with him. I was bound to break down. It was fated for me to cry and beg and feel absolutle useless like i do now.

"I love you, and I am so so sorry for everything." I brought his knuckles to my lips I could no longer hide the tears as I relived the images of the accident in my head. Silent cries filled the air around me as I struggled not to wake his mother nearby. It was my fault he was like this. He trusted me. He loved me. I made him vulnerable. I made him week. In that moment of weakness was all it took for him to end up like this.

"Your a good man. Please wake up. For your family and yourself please Owen. " I begged him wiping my tears. I felt so helpless. All I could do was cry.

"Your gonna have a baby" I leaned against his side and began crying. I couldve sworn for a fraction of a second I felt his finger move.

"Magdelene." I called out shocked. She awoke with a start rushing over to me. She out her hands on either side of my cheek.

"Whats wrong pumkin why are you crying."

"He, He moved. I-I couldve sworn his fingers-" My voice trailed off.

"Oh dear you must've been up for days. Come come rest."

"No I'm fine Owe-."

"Valerie you've been going through a rough time-"

"Do not try to make me feel crazy." I narrowed my gaze causing her to drop her hands. It felt odd to be mean to Magdelene although we just met it feels like ide known her forever and she was a great person to be around.

I took my seat by the bed and held owens hand to my stomache. Magdelene sighed patting my shoulder before taking her place by the window.

"You and I have been through hell and back. I love you and I always will. I'm selfish I know but I need you to come back to me." I say

"I- your baby needs you." I whisper squeezing his hand tightly. With every tear that falls the hope in my eyes dull to windows into the empty void that fills me as i stare at the man I love. Not dead but mine as well be and I killed him.

Doms pov

Deckard Shaw. Brother of Owen Shaw. We have a murderer and we have a motive.

Anger courses through my veins as I follow him through the tunnel. I Crack my neck and let my car sing. The engine purrs smoothly. He follows suit.

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