Chapter 11

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Trigger Warnings: Violence ish, Mental health

*Water is metaphorically speaking a way of saying Valerie feels like shes drowning under pressure and the weight of what deckard did to han. Shes pulling herself out of the water means shes pulling herself together because shes a strong independent woman who is gonna get herself together.*

I used to ride waves in LA when I turned 11. I had gotten my period and was becoming myself and I wanted to try something knew. Daring.

All the other kids I knew went to the beach every Saturday and I wanted to float with the crowd. The only problem was I never learned how to swim.

It was my first time and I didnt even think about it for a moment. My feet were fire as I jumped off the rocky cliff and crashed into the waves below. Everything was calm under water. The suns rays beat down on my face even under the current and it felt timeless. Until I started chocking.

"She has a past history of Depression as stated here she gets these episodes-"

"She's not fucking crazy!" Owen glances at me frustrated running a hand across his head, He was angry with the Primitive presumptuous doctor who criticized me off of hospital records from when i was still 16. I hadnt had a real hospital record in years with all the running around. I dont remember Owen driving to the hospital. I dont even remember coming in. I was awake the whole time but just like now my mind was somewhere else. His Blue eyes are like the ocean that day I almost drowned. He captivates me pulls me in. I wish i could drown in his eyes forever. I see him try to put on a nice face for my sake I turn my back to him and lay on my other side where the news is running on a mini tv.

If it wasnt for Han stopping me that night Dom wouldnt be here now. he needed to know that. I felt I deserved to finally let it out. Im hurting myself. Im hurting Owen and the people who love me. Im hurting my baby but i am stronger then i was before and I know i can get past this. I will get past this. I close my eyes and take a deep breath and pull myself out of the water.

Owens pov

I told myself from the moment I found out I was gonna be a father that I would start doing right but the incompetence of this doctor was gonna make me put a bullet between his eyes.

"She needs a good deep rest. Ill give you some paperwork for the institution." If he suggests she signes herself up for the mental institution one more time I swear im gonna make him eat his words. I try to pull together a face presentable to keep my cool.

"Would you just listen to me! She's-"

"Fine" Valerie cuts me off. Shes dressed in some spare pants and a shirt the hospital gave her because of her dress and she holds the little bits of our things in her hands.

"Lets go." She says and starts to walk toward the elevator.

"Um miss i cant let you leave-" The doctor starts to try and grab her to tug her back she turns around so fast and twists his arm and oins it behind his back. He grunts in pain and I can tell she might pop the bone out of place. She decides not to and kicks him in to the trash instead.

"Dont touch me." She said simply and started to the elevator again.

"Crazy." the doctor murmured massaging his arm. I calmy walked beside her and entered the elevator.

"Where too?"

"Home I have some unfinished business" She answers looking strait ahead.

It drives me crazy when Valerie gets down to business. Shes so sexy when shes straight forward but now wasnt a time to swoon over my lovely fiance. She was in pain and though she hid it from the world she could never hide it from me.

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