The end - A/N

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I was so happy to finish this series 1 because its taken so long to complete and 2 because I was ready to let Val go. 

I'm so happy that so many people enjoyed Don't blame me and that Owen Shaw is getting more recognition because of my book.

I am however a little sad my first book has like 10k views and this one the sequel isnt getting that much. Not that I need 10k for every book I write I just wish my story was more out there. 

If this story picks up views and I get enough comments or DM's to motivate me im thinking of writing 3 more books for this series:

1 . A book about Valerie's past with drug abuse and after she leaves LA. Basically her life with Luke and his daughter and how she builds her character growth and gets herself healthy. I want to include a ton more writing on Valerie and Owens love and how it develops and progresses and not just through flash backs.

2. A book based on fast and furious 8 and solely 8. I want Valerie to be the one to whip dom back into place and bring him back to his family. After everything they'de been through it only seems fair. Also I want to include how she acts around deckard when he's helping find dom because she knows hans alive and doesnt have a solid solid reason to hate him anymore and genuinely still cares about him. Originally I wanted to write this following hobbs and shaw story line but I feel like i have more to work with using fast 8. I also would love to write about Owen and Deckard complicated relationship now that Owen knows deckard was in love with his woman-

3.This came out of the blue after watching the mechanic resurrection but im thinking of writing a spin off if Valerie ended up with Deckard but this one has to be voted on cause Im  not sold on it.

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