Chapter 13

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Deckards pov

Despite our differences I took Hobbs for a man of his word. Thats why when he closed my cell 10 minutes ago i knew it would be a while before i got myself out of this place. He meant everything he said about leaving me in here for the rest of my life which is exactly why surprise came naturally when lights went out in my cell and I could here the creek of the door opening.

My cuffed hands flex around the metal toilet seat and I swing blindly at the shadow that entered my room. But the shadow was fast and smelled of Lavender and vanilla. They dodged my attacked and with one swift leg motion knocked my feet from under me causing me to tumble to the concrete ground.

A clicking noise sounded from the shadow and their face illuminated enough for me to make out wild black curls and blue eyes. She glared at me and threw the metal piece at me feet. I sit upright immediately.

"Valerie." She stands up wordlessly and heads for the door closing it before sitting on the floor in front of me. Shes wearing black jeans and a black leather jacket that way to big for her. I can see her belly is smaller then before which means she had the baby. She finally looks in my eyes. Theres no emotion no sympathy, no friendliness, no playful energy that she usually had. Her eyes dont leave mine as she reaches behind her for a backpack. She slides it to me.

"At first I didnt want to come." She says slowly with a calculating gaze. I swallow hard.

"Why did you."

"Owen and I have come to an agreement." The sound of my brothers name rolling off of her lips with such love and adoration makes my heart hurt a little more. I love my brother with all my heart. I did this for him. Yet I couldnt resist falling in love with his fiance.

"If it was up to me I want you to know that I would leave you in this cell to rot." Her icy glare is deadly and it doesnt fit her usually bright cheeky personality. Her words are sharp and they cut to my core. I stay silent and let her talk because what can I say? Nothing can ever make this right.

"But, You are the brother of my fiance and the uncle of my child. As so you can arrange with Owen to see Jessie Lue I dont care your relation with your brother as long as you stay away from LA and you stay the hell away from me." I search her eyes for sympathy for a flicker of life or truce or anything ide ever seen before but the message is clear. She would not break not for me.

"Han was there for me, through everything. Come hell or high water he would risk his own life to protect my daughter and I. I cant understand why he was your target. What did you gain from killing him?" There it is. That flicker of desperation in her words. The desideratum feeling to know why? I answered honestly because she deserved at least that.

"Nothing" Her eyes start to water but no tear will fall. Her deadly expression turns into one of gratitude and ill never understand her next words.

"Thank you." She whispered before walking to the door. She shut it behind her and looked in through the window one last time before she disappeared. I sat on the cold floor for 5 more minutes in darkness before the lights came back on.

I scoot over to the bag and open it. Theres a clean water bottle, a pair of socks, and a thin stack of photos. I flipped through picture after picture of a baby girl. My niece.

* * *

Valeries pov.

Its cold in the cemetery. The sun has just barely risen and the last time i checked my phone it was 5:03. Lean against the headstone and trace letters that dont feel real.

Here lies Han Lue. A friend, a boyfriend, a -. I cant even finish the thought. He didnt deserve this cruel fate. He should be in Tokyo chasing the life hed planned for hisself. He should be home with us drinking a corona. Hell he could be onMars for all i care I just wished he was alive.

I finnally find the courage to stand. Carrying the 3 roses in my hand I place 2 On Hans grave. One for him and one for Gisele. I walk the rows until I reach Jessies. I havnt visited him in over 10 years. I place the rose on his grave and press a kiss to his headstone before dusting my hands off and standing.

"Beautiful weather." I freeze halfway standing. I dont talk to people in cemetaries. They could be ghosts with unfinished buisness and i know its a silly thought for a girl like me to have but its among the list of reasons i honor my bestfriend from a shrine on my desk. I peek out of the corner of my eye to see Mr.Nobody staring at the horizon. I release a breath of relief.

"Thought you were dead." I admit

"Oh it takes a hell lot more then bullets to take me out." He chuckles placing a lily on jessies grave.

"Why are you here." I ask tiredly. He pulls his glasses off and looks me in the eye.

"Because I have a daughter and you remind me a lot like her. Feirce and strong but also stubborn as a mule. Ide want someone to give her this choice." He holds a cellphone in one hand. I try to take it but he pulls his hand from my reach.

"Valerie. This is your choice, but once you decide theres no going back. No do overs." He lets me take the phone this time. Theres a call coming in and for a moment I think about Mr.Nobody's words. I can handle it right? After all ive been through this is it. I answer pressing the phone to my ear.

"Hello Valerie." My heart almost drops in my chest. I struggle to breath overwhelmed with happiness and tears.

"Han." I cry gripping the phone for dear life.

"Han where are you? where have you been? I- I cant-" Tears start to blur my vision and the questions racing through my mind are suffocating but I know deep down we dont have time for this.

"Oh V you have no idea how relieved i am you choose to answer." I force a laugh out of my lips and wait for him to continue.

"Im so sorry I cant be there with you right now. I didnt know it was gonna happen this way-" I shook my head cutting him off.

"No no stop it im just glad your ok." I inhaled sharply and exhaled shakily.

"I had the baby. Her name is Jessie Lue but ive been calling her solo."

"Her nicknames my street racing name." He chuckles and I let my following laughter carry away my heavy heart.

"Will we ever see you again?" I need to know I need to know I need to Know I need to know I need to know I need to know I NEED TO KNOW.

"I dont want to lie to you V, Its a dangerous path I chose but whats important is I chose it." I nod in understanding even though he cant see.

"I love you." I whisper. I can feel this call coming to an end. I know this wouldnt last but im greatful i know the truth. Im greatful that through some miracle Han was Alive. I knew I could live with this information.

"I love you to V." The line ends and I hand Mr.Nobody his phone back in wich he breaks cleanly and tucks it away in his pocket. I look up at the sunny sky and say a silent prayer. Thank you god.

A/N: Sorry chapters kinda short anyways i decided to keep han alive ;) Valerie deserves some good news.

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