Chapter 15

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2 months later

"Suck your stomache in 1...2....3!"

"Pop" I stare at the popped buttons on my dress. Mia and Letty both freeze in horror. A silence is hanging in the air and the tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife. I take a deep breath and bite lip before exhaling. Its ok so one button fell off its still fixable right?

The door to my bedroom opens and Owen freezes with a guilty expression as he realizes what he walked into. the tears well in my eyes and I cant hold back my sobs anymore.

"Its ruined! Its all shit!" I cry dropping to the floor.

"Baby im sorry-" Owen starts to say but Letty cuts him off annoyance clear in her face.

"Look shes not upset with you but you need to go. Now." She shuts the door in his face not waiting for a response. My sobs get increasingly loud as I realise the bottom of my dress has been shredded.

"Who would do this." I cry into Mia's arms she soothes my back trying to calm me down.

Letty's expression is dangerous. She crosses her arms and shakes her head poking her cheek with her tounge.

"I think you could use a break V you to mia i mean I love my neice and nephews but you guys really need a break. Lets go its on me."

* * *

Third person p.o.v.

Letty was sure her sister in laws needed a girls night out but she was starting to rethink her choice place because Mia was Asleep at the table a Corona in her hand and Valerie was on the pole dancing stage dancing like a lunatic. Mia awoke with a start and Valerie called her forward they both started to chase each other around the poles.

Letty sat back in a chair eating some tortilla chips she knew it was futile to try and calm the girls down on her own. She had called Mia's husband and Valeries Fiance for backup however it seems like shed called them hours ago. Valerie started to swing on a spinning pool like a ballerina and the crowd started cheering her on. Even the strippers gave her looks of both envy respect and deep admiration. valerie was just like that though. Everyone loved her and if you didnt you still hated her enough to think about her. Either way she won. Every single time.

Letty's body tensed and she stood up grabbing Mia's empty beer bottle when a guy got on stage beside Valerie and tried hitting on her. Mia stummbling foward was ready to intervene but Valerie just laughed pushing her away.

"IM GETTING MARRIED!" She screamed to the top of her lungs. A loud yeah sounded from the crowd everyone through there fists up egging her on. Some even boo'd at the man causing him to get off the stage.

"Lucky prick." The guy muttered as he got down. Mia slipped and fell off the stage a bunch of people shot there hands out to break her fall but before letty could move a blur of blond fought his way past the crowd to her side.

"Mia wake up! Are you ok?" Valerie squinted down at her sister confused and dazed. Mia smiled having her own private conversation as Brian looked to valerie then to Owen who was beside him.

"Im sorry, It was my idea." letty said lamely. Her own Husband put an arm around her waist and kissed her cheek looking after his two sisters.

Owen climbed onto the stage and the crowd immediately started to boo. Valerie was now doing walks on the pole holding on to a pink cowgirl hat.

"Yo aint you hear shes gettin married!" Some randomn person from the crowd yelled Owen rolled his eyes a murderous glint they all knew too well. He closed his eyes and inhaled sharply. When he exhaled he looked to Valerie and his face instantly softened.

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