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"Hello Susan, You guessed right. One and only," greeted Peter with a smile, he was looking at his confidante after a very long time. She looked more beautiful than before, time has shown mercy to her.

After hearing him confirmation, the room erupted in uproar, Felicity became furious at the man who is claiming to be her deceased father. Her blood boiled with hot rage, she gritted her teeth in anger.

"Calm down kitten, I know what you are thinking," said Peter as he can feel her anger and what she will do.

"How dare ----Wait! What did you call me?How do you know that name?" she snapped at him in anger.

"Kitten ca---" before he can calm down, a black gloved hand with steel white claws stopped before mere inches from his face. He sighed as he saw Felicity's claws was stopped by Mayday who had quickly arrived in front of him and held her back.

Felicity glared into the eyes of the younger female who had stopped her, and she was also shocked by the older teen before her, she can't even move further because of her grip.

"Mayday calm down,"....



Mayday nodded and unhanded Felicity, who just glared at the older girl. She then looked at the man who is claiming to be her father with a fierce glare.

"Why the hell even are we entertaining this man? He dares to claim to be Spider-man!" she snapped angrily at her fellow spiders, and then she glared at Kaine. " Uncle you should have thrown him out instead presenting him before us." 

"My king if she wasn't your spawn I would have disciplined her here," muttered Adriana as she looked at her king.

"Ariana..." said Peter with a defeated tone.

"Felicity, let the man speak first," said Susan as she tried to calm the young spider.

"Susan? Even you believe this man's claim?!," asked Felicity fiercely, Jessica stepped in.

"Felicity, we can give him benefit of our doubt. We spiders can reborn once after our first untimely death," said Jessica, the people who didn't know about this information has the face of surprise and shock.

"But your father has used that once during the fight with the mutants," muttered Jessica to herself but Garry and Felicity heard her. They hadn't known their father had died before, their eyes landed on the man who was claiming to be their father.

"I know you will not believe me. let me show you all," said Peter as he summoned his staff and banged on the floor.

Suddenly golden Spider web lines started to appear from staff's bottom as center. They all looked around in shock as the entire hall was covered in the web lines.

Suddenly the world around them shattered, and they found themselves in a large marble room with some intricate spider web patterns on floor and in the far end they can see some thrones. They were shocked with the change in environment but another familiar voice snapped them out of their daze.

" Where am I?" Asked a familiar voice, she was on a mission with her estranged sister and attending an important video call from a hotel room. Suddenly she felt someone touch her shoulder from behind and then she found herself here.

"Natasha? Weren't you in Russia?" Asked Jessica as she looked at the woman.

" That's what I want to know!" Replied Natasha in shock.

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