The spell

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CEO's office

Peter sat in the chair of the CEO as his daughter was checking on his cheek that Natasha had slapped on. Wanda sitting opposite to him and Gwen leaning on floor to ceiling glass window.

" Ela dear, I am fine," said Peter.

" You should have seen this coming, both literally and figuratively," commented Wanda with amusement.

After the meeting, Kaine had hurried back home to spend quality time with his wife, leaving the rest of the family of three in his former office.

"I knew," Peter grumbled. " All seeing eyes, remember?" 

"So what's the plan now?" asked Wanda as she saw her daughter started playing with her father's hair, trying to style it differently.

"We have decided to make the announcement to the world within two-three days," said Peter as he sensed Ela working on his hair.

"But it will raise many questions among common people," commented Wanda as she saw her daughter had made a short Mohawk out of his hair." By now some might have known Peter Parker is Spider-man, as Peter and Spider-Man died same day."

"That can cause some problems," muttered Peter, then suddenly he got an idea." We can ask help from Strange, he might know something to help us"

Wanda considered his words and nodded, "I will talk to him and even introduce Ela to the sanctum sanatorium."

" Sure, you both do that meanwhile I will have a talk with everyone personally," said Peter as he then shapes his hair back to normal. Ela gave him a pout for ruining her hard work, Peter ruffled her hair and walked out of the office.



The hesitant knock echoed through Susan Storm's office, a stark contrast to the storm of emotions churning within her. It had been hours since Peter Parker, the ghost of a memory, had materialized, alive with Wanda and a daughter to boot. Relief battled with a year of grief, a tangled mess that left her staring blankly at the Manhattan skyline outside.

The heavy oak door creaked open, revealing a sheepish Peter. His trademark awkwardness, a balm in this surreal situation, softened the blow of his disappearance. "Hey, Susan. Can I... come in?"

She gestured vaguely, a tremor in her voice. "Sure, Peter. Come in." He has changed, his appearance is changed His hair now black with a patch of white in the front, his eyes glowed in gold lightly but at a closer look there were spider web patterns in the eye.

He shuffled in, looking healthier and stronger. Susan stood, the power she usually held in her stance wavering. The silence stretched, thick with unspoken words.

"Susan," Peter started, voice rough. "I know this is crazy—"

"Crazy?" she snapped, surprising even herself. The years of bottled-up pain boiled over. "You were dead, Peter! I grieved you. For a year I..." Her voice cracked. "I drowned my sorrows with alcohol, almost lost my kids, lost you and nearly everything."

Shame flickered in Peter's eyes. "I never wanted that. I..." He looked away, guilt radiating from him, the decision to commit suicide was a bad decision even if that kick-started his life as the Weaver.

Suddenly, she was across the room and slapped him, the slap echoing across the silence. Tears welled up in her eyes. "That was for the leaving my children and me!"

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