☠︎︎ 20. The Picture of Him ☠︎︎

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— he sees him the way no one else does

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— he sees him the way no one else does

he loves him the way no one else loves

together whether in the future or in the past

together, they will forever last —

The sea was calm. Gently kissing Kim's skin and singing a soothing melody, making him feel like everything was right. His life was at peace and he felt like there was nothing to worry about. He was happy. It was like the purest form of happiness was growing inside of him and there was nothing that could change that. Ever. But then the waters turned savage, the waves were throwing Kim from one side to the other, trying to pull him down under the water and never let him go again. And then, he heard it, that voice so warm and gentle. Kim hadn't heard that voice in years. His mother.

'You will come back, my son. But beware the danger is waiting for you. The danger won't let you escape. Let the boy help. Let him guide you. He knows. Even if he isn't aware. He knows.'

Kim couldn't breathe. His lungs were burning, as if full of water, they didn't let him take a breath. Caughting, he woke up, his body shooting into a sitting position. It was dark. Middle of the night. And he wasn't at the ocean. He was in Chay's room. He was safe. They were safe. He took a couple of deep breaths, realising that he could breathe just fine all this time. He could breathe all along; it was all just a dream. But his mother's voice. It sounded so real. Kim missed his mother's voice. Badly. Hearing it after so long... it was like something cracked inside of him and a broken sob left his body before he could stop it. He turned around. He didn't want to wake Chay up. Didn't want Chay to see him like that.

But it was too late. Chay was already up, slowly sneaking his arms around Kim's waist. Placing his chin on Kim's shoulder, he sniff-kissed Kim's cheek, "what's wrong, captain? Bad dream?"

"I'm not a child. I don't cry because of a bad dream," Kim scoffed through his tears.

"It's okay, you can tell me. I won't judge. I promise," Chay whispered.

Kim shook his head, "go back to sleep. I don't want you to see me like that."

Chay placed a kiss on Kim's shoulder and moved a little to be able to see into Kim's face, "nothing's gonna change between us if I'll see you like this, Kim. You aren't just a pirate to me. First and foremost you are my partner. The man I love. I won't love you less if I see your vulnerable side. If anything, I'll love you more."

"I don't deserve you," Kim sighed.

"Oh yes, you do," Chay smiled and pecked Kim's lips. Not pulling away, he asked, "want to tell me what happened?"

"Do you believe in... I don't know... warnings in the form of dreams?" Kim asked.

"Well," Chay pouted, "my boyfriend is a pirate from the 18th century sitting, on my bed in the 21st century. Yeah, I don't really have a reason not to believe other weird things. Why? What did you dream about?"

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