☠︎︎ 24. The Old Island ☠︎︎

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— everything is intertwined

just like you are always on my mind

I think about him every day and night

I hope that he is alright —

How long had it been?

Hours? Days? Chay wasn't so sure. Time had melted into one unrecognisable mud of pain and hopelessness. Macau left only after Chay looked like he was almost dead. Chay's back felt like it had been torn into pieces. He had no idea how it looked. But the pain he felt was enough of an indicator to tell that it was bad. At first, the pain was almost paralysing, but then Chay got used to it. It still hurt. It was still the worst physical pain he ever felt, but at least he no longer felt like he was going to pass out.

Since he curled himself up in the corner of the cell, he had barely moved. It hurt to move so he didn't do that much. All he did was stare at his way out, which was so close and yet so far away from him. Macau didn't leave the Ruby Red with Chay. After Chay managed to spit it out, Macau kicked it out of the cell, far enough that Chay could still see it but not close enough for Chay to reach it. And maybe it didn't even matter, maybe he wouldn't be able to use it even if he had it right in his hand. Chay was too weak to do anything. Even breathing seemed too hard of a task. Who knows if he would even survive time-travelling this time.

Chay let his eyes shut close. Staring at the Ruby Red was useless anyway. He was so tired. He wanted to sleep, but what if things would get even worse while he would be sleeping? What if someone would come in? What if Macau would come back? When Chay first saw Vegas and Macau, he had thought that Vegas would be the one to make his life a living hell until his Kim would find him, but he was wrong. The real hell comes with Macau. Chay had no clue how he would get back to Kim. But he knew that if he were to survive this hell, he would find his way back to his captain. He believed it in his heart; just like he believed that Kim was looking for him, searching every wave of the sea and every grain of sand on the land. Chay knew Kim was looking for him because he loved him. Those words... Kim's words... I love you, darlin'... those words were keeping Chay from spiralling into hopeless thoughts of giving up, of letting his body rest forever and his soul go free.

No, he was going to push through it! And then, then he was going to get back to Kim, and then he would let Kim take whatever revenge he would want to. If Kim would want to kill Macau, Chay wouldn't stop him. If anything, he would encourage it... he would even enjoy it. If Chay could, he would kill Macau himself right now. The worst... the worst pirate Chay had ever met. Why did Chay deserve to be treated like that? What did he do? Nothing! He had never seen those pirates before. He didn't even know anyone in the 18th century besides Kim and a couple of men in his crew. He didn't know what Kim had, which belonged to Vegas, but no matter what it was, why did Chay have to be treated like he was less than a human being because of it?

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