☠︎︎ 27. My Dearest Treasure ☠︎︎

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— I'm his just as he is mine

in his arms, everything is fine

all the insecurities, he kisses away

and the words 'I love you' I say —

"What did you say?" Kim must had heard wrong. His mother? How could Chay have met his mother—

"I've met your mother, Kim," Chay repeated and reached out for Kim's hand, intertwining their fingers. "I have met her. She is still alive. She misses you so much and she worries about you. She had no idea where you were or what happened to you. But I told her, and I told her that we'd come for her. That you have been looking for her since the day they took her and that she has to hold on just for a little bit longer. That her son will come to save her."

"You've seen my mom," Kim mumbled under his breath, trying to comprehend everything that Chay had just told him. His mother was still alive, she was worried about him and now, now she finally knew that Kim had been looking for her and that one day he would find her and take her back home. All those years of piracy... it wasn't all in vain, after all. His mother was waiting for him, and he would not disappoint her; not again.

Kim looked right into Chay's eyes and cupped his cheek, "tell me everything. Where is she? Is she on the Old Island just like I thought? Do you know how to get there? Is she alright? How did she look? What did she say when you told her that I'm a pirate? And... have you told her about us?"

Chay turned his head a little to press a soft kiss in the middle of Kim's palm and smiled, "breathe, captain. I'll tell you everything. Of course, I will."

Kim let out an airy chuckle, "yeah... yeah... I'm just... I'm so happy that you have seen her. I hate that it happened this way, but..." Kim's eyes glisten a little with tears for his mother, "you've seen her. Still alive!"

Chay pecks that beautiful smile on Kim's lips and guides his hand to his shoulder. Kim immediately starts caressing Chay's back, making sure to take special care of the fresh scars.

And Chay?

He started talking.

"She is on the Old Island. You are right about that. But I'm sorry—I have no idea how to get there. They kept me below deck till we arrived. All I know is that it took us a couple of days to come here from there. I wish I could tell you more about that—"

"Everything you tell me is more than enough, darlin'," Kim whispers, his lips dancing around Chay's neck and shoulders.

Chay nodded and continued, "when we got there, Vegas met with that privateer you once told me about. I didn't recognise him at first, but then, when I realised who your mother was, it all made sense. I don't know what kind of business Vegas and him had together, but we came to the island on one ship and left on a different one. It was as if the ship we came there with was what Vegas was supposed to deliver in exchange for the ship we had arrived with. But I don't know much else about it. When we got there, my back was..." Chay stopped for a moment, taking a deep breath. Chay was in constant agony for days until Kim's mother did something to make his back better. Maybe she even saved his life...

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