☠︎︎ 34. Kill Him Not ☠︎︎

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— many want me, many search

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— many want me, many search

many scour for me this earth

I no longer fear, I no longer care

they should come if they dare —

"Bloody hell, this weather is gonna kill me!" Kim groaned, standing at the door of his cabin, watching the storm lynching everything around. Since it started raining two days ago when he and Chay got back from their little mission, the rain hasn't stopped for a moment. It just altered between soft little droplets with no wind or with a violent storm just like this one. They should have been already on their way to the Bay of Sorrows, but with the weather like that... it would be a suicide.

Chay's hands sneak around Kim's waist, chin resting on Kim's shoulder, "maybe it's better that we are stuck here. At least we have more time to plan everything, and have a good excuse to spend time locked in your cabin all day."

"Hmm, it is nice to be locked in the cabin the whole day," Kim turned his head towards Chay, smiling. But he frowned right after, "but the more time we are wasting, the longer my mother is suffering. The oracle, I'm confident, will have some answers for us. But what are we gonna learn being stuck here? Nothing!"

Just then, a paper, brought to the deck by a strong wind, landed down by Kim's boot. Chay picked it up, frowning right at it, "looks like we will learn something being stuck here."

Kim took the wanted poster from Chay and chuckled, "well... didn't have this one in a while. And look at that. They always get my nose wrong! It's not that big... is it?"

"Aren't you concerned who it might be?" Chay asked, he felt a tightness in his chest as if the hand that wanted to find his captain had already found him and was squeezing his chest tightly, trying to cut off his air and suffocate his heart. He just cared too much about Kim. Anything that looked even remotely like a danger to Kim immediately made Chay enter fight-or-flight mode. He just can't help it.

"Darlin'," Kim turned around in Chay's arms and backed him back into the cabin, closing the door behind them. "When you have something like this out in the world for you once, twice, maybe even three times, then yeah... you might be worried, but this is... I don't know... the fiftieth time for me? It's just a piece of paper. Most likely, someone saw us setting the fire. Other privateers. They always love to chase after me."

"But what if they come here looking for you? We've been mooring here for a couple of days. It's not that hard to find us."

Kim smirked, letting go of Chay he walked across the cabin, opened a drawer in his desk, and took out an old iron key. "Remember the privateer we are holding here?"

"The one you talked about when I thought you talked about me?" Chay asked, curious about what Kim might have in mind.

"Precisely," Kim nodded. "We are going to give them someone dead or alive... but it won't be me. I've planned to kill him for a long time already... he is just stuck here, eating our food and being a burden for the crew that has to keep an eye on him. I might as well free them from this burden. We really don't need him anymore."

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