☠︎︎ 18. Your Darlin' ☠︎︎

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— his lips and his touch

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— his lips and his touch

make me feel so much

past or the future I'll be here

I'll be with you, hold you near —

"I'll make you something to eat," Chay's grandmother leaned closer to Chay, "the pirate, he eats anything, right?"

Chay quietly laughed, looking at Kim who was looking around, eyes wide open, wondering what was that box on the shelf with those weird voices coming out from it—Chay's grandmother had on her radio while she was cleaning the house.

"Don't worry, granny. I'm sure he'll eat anything you prepare."

"Are you sure?"

"Granny," Chay playfully rolled his eyes, "Kimhan is the 18th-century pirate. I'm pretty sure whatever you give him will be like a feast for him. We'll go upstairs now. Call us later, okay?"

The grandmother nodded, "I will... and Chay? I'm glad that you are back and safe."

Chay smiled at his grandmother, side-hugging her for a moment. He couldn't bring himself to say anything. She was so happy to have him back. He couldn't tell her that he would do anything he could to leave again. At least not yet. Later. Later when Kim and he would have more idea about what they would do—he was going to tell her then.

So, Chay released his grandmother from his embrace and walked up to Kim, who was still staring at the radio, entirely confused.

"What's this?"

"That's a radio," Chay took Kim's hand and began pulling him upstairs. "People can listen to music as well as people talking through it. But nowadays, people mostly use their phones for listening to music."

"What's a phone?" Kim asked looking even more confused than before.

"I'll show you in my room, but I think that I will need to charge it first."

"Charge it?"

Chay giggled, pushing his door open and closing once Kim walked into his room. "I think I'm gonna become a human dictionary for you now. But it's fine, I don't mind. Charging means that I have to... hmm... I have to feed it energy in order for it to work."

"Feed it? Is it alive?" Kim frowned.

"No, not really... umm... it just needs energy for functioning. But forget about that now. I'm going to find you some clothes so you can take a shower. Just sit here," Chay pushed Kim down on his bed and walked up to his closet.

"Shower?" Kim mumbled to himself watching Chay open the closet with so many clothes inside. Not questioning it too much, Kim started looking around the room. The room was big, spacious, in fact, the whole house was really big. Kim glanced at Chay for a moment. Was Chay rich? It definitely looked like it. He must have been so uncomfortable on board of Kim's ships. There were pictures of Chay on shelves and walls, but those pictures were weird because they looked like real Chay; not drawn or painted, but... real. There was a bookshelf built into the wall filled up to the brink with books. There was one book on Chay's bedside table as well, when Kim leaned over to get a better look at the title he raised his eyebrow. The title was 'Under the Black Flag: The Romance and the Reality of Life Among the Pirates.' Kim chuckled—he wondered what kind of nonsense he would learn about himself if he read that.

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