Chapter 27:- ' Miss Mysterious '

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Y/N pov

Yesterday, I had a great time! The misunderstanding between my brothers and me was cleared. So was the hostility between me and the girls. Lisa and I are back to being the chaotic besties that we were before. And the best part, was that the wall between me and Soobin was also broken and we are dating again.
As I entered my class today, I was greeted by Lisa and Rosé. I waved at them and went to sit beside Lisa. After some time, Sydney came in, went in and hugged me.

Sydney: " Heyyy Unnie! Had a good sleep today? "
Y/N: " Yes Gurl! "
Soobin also came in after some time.
Soobin: " Hi Y/N! "
Y/N: " Hello Soobin 😊 "
All the students filled the classroom, by the time Mr. Lee came in.
Mr. Lee: " Good Morning students! Take your books out and open to page 56. Today we are going to do the 4th act of Tempest. "
I took out my English book and settled down to listen.

45 minutes later...

Mr. Lee: " Alright class! Now do you have any questions? Or can we proceed? "
Girl 38: " Mr. Lee! Are you free- "
Mr. Lee: " I am sure I asked you to ask something regarding the scenes that we studied today, not anything out of the topic. Please don't ask unnecessary questions. "
Girl 38: " Sorry Mr. Lee! "
Mr. Lee: " Anyways! You are going to make a project on the summary of the Tempest till how much we have done in the 3rd Act . Explain it in detail, in your own words. Also you must give the character a sketch of all the major characters in the play. Do not write too much about the characters; just half a page is enough. That's all! Well, there's the bell! You are dismissed!"
Students: " Thank you Sir! "
Then, Mr. Lee went out of the class and we got ready for our next class which was maths.

At Recess

During Lunch Break, while I was in the canteen with the girls, Mr. Lee came in looking for me.
Mr. Lee: " Y/N! Can I have a word with you? It's a bit urgent. "
Y/N: " Sure Sir! I have no problem! "
Mr. Lee: " Okay then! Let's go to my office! "
So I followed Mr. Lee and went to his office.
Y/N: " Well Mr. Lee, what is it that you wanted to ask me? "
Mr. Lee: " Well, I wanted to ask if you could tutor Nari who came a week ago "
Y/N: " The New student? From your class 5-B? "
Mr. Lee: " Yes you're correct! Well, you see she's been miserably failing in all her classes! Especially English! You know I simply hate it when one doesn't know how to take notes on Shakespeare. I asked them to finish answering the questions I had given them as homework. And she did write everything but not correctly. Her vocabulary is also not up to the mark and she makes too many grammatical mistakes. The other teachers are also displeased with her works. Could you help her improve? "
Y/N: " Sure Mr. Lee! I am sure I could spare two hours to take care of her! When should I start? "
Mr. Lee: " Why don't you sort it out with Nari? She's supposed to come here too as I called her for the same purpose. Talk to her and decide between you when you can take her in. Also here is her report card. You can go to the library and wait for her there, while I finish speaking with her. "
Y/N: " Okay Sir! I will wait in the library then! "
Mr. Lee: " Okay! "

3rd person pov

After talking with Mr. Lee, Y/N went out of his office to the library and sat down at one of the tables and examined the report card. She looked at the cover page, where Nari's picture, full name, admission number and date of birth was written. The picture showed a small, round-faced girl with chubby cheeks and bright, chocolate brown eyes and wavy, golden blonde hair, cascading over her shoulders, which made her eyes look darker. Her face held quite a serious look, which was a pity, thought Y/N, for she would look a lot more pretty if she smiled. Then she looked at her full name, admission number and date of birth. Her full name was Chou Nari and she was of the same age as Sydney, just older by two months (October). Then, Y/N went to look at her marks. Nari had scored 50's and 60' s in most of the subjects, which was not that bad in Y/N's opinion. However her percentage seemed to have deteriorated in three subjects; English, Maths and Mrs. Bae's subject, Biology. She had scored 46 ½ in English and 42 in Maths. She had scored the worst in Biology, just managed to pass by getting 39 ½. However Y/N remembered what Lisa had told her. Nari was quite good at singing and dancing and had managed to beat Lisa in one of their dance tests and come first, while Lisa came second. Nari was also a marvelous athlete. She was one of the fastest female runners of their school's sports team. She was also an excellent swimmer. Nari had an incredible speed and had defeated Sohye, one of their school's best swimmers in one of their races. However, though she was quite talented, it was her forlorn attitude that made her distant from others. She always seemed to be either quite serious or looking miserable. Never did she laugh at any jokes but she was not rude to anybody. She answered quite politely when asked questions but never asked any of her own. She remained so silent that the students sometimes even forgot her existence. This was the reason for which she was known as ' Miss Mysterious '.
Just as Y/N finished seeing her report card, Mr. Lee walked in with Nari beside him.
Mr. Lee: " Well! Nari, this is Kim Y/N! She's going to help you progress with your work. And Y/N, this is Chou Nari! The one I've been telling you about. Now you can get to know each other and decide between you when you will start tutoring. I'll leave now. "
Nari: " Thank you Sir! "
Y/N: " Bye Sir! Have a good day! "
Mr. Lee: " Bye you two! "
Mr. Lee smiled at Y/N, patted Nari's shoulder and then left the library. Just then, the bell rang.
Y/N: " Well! Recess is over now! Let's talk after the school ends. Give me your phone number. "
Nari: " Yes, it's xxx-xxxx-xxx "
Y/N: " Okay thanks! Let's go to our classes now! "
Nari: " Okay sure! See you later I guess! Bye Y/N! "
Y/N: " Bye! "
Y/N hurried out of the library, with Nari following her.
Nari: *Kim Y/N...looks like I found you... Anyways! Gotta tell my sis about this! Let's go to class for now! *

Who is Chou Nari? And what does she have to do with Y/N? Moreover, who is this sister she is talking about? Let's find out!

To be continued...

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