Chapter 16:- Y/N and Soobin

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One Hour Later...

3rd person pov

Dupont: " Classe ajournée! ( Class Dismissed!) "
Rosé : " Finally! French is so hard! "
Lisa: " Especially the French verbs! "
Rosé: " How are you so good in French, Sydney?! "
Sydney: " Actually in my previous school in America, one of my classmates was French and she's the one who taught me to speak French fluently. "
Rosé: " So lucky! Y/N is also good at French. I wonder how? "
Lisa: " Y/N? Y/N! KIM Y/N! "
Y/N: " What's wrong? "
Lisa: " How are you so good at French? "
Y/N: " Oh! I just used that Duolingo app."
Rosé: " Duolingo? What's that? "
Sydney: " Ooo. Duolingo is an app where you can learn any Foreign language like French, Spanish, etc. "
Lisa: " Wow! That's cool! I'll use that too! "
Rosé: " Me too! I will install it and everyday sit 1 hour to learn French."
Mrs. Bae: " Quite everyone! "
Immediately everyone settled down for Science quiz.

Lunch Break...

Jisoo: " Did you guys meet any new students? I met a Yeonjun. "
Jennie: " I met Taehyun and Huening Kai. "
Sydney: " And we met Soobin and Beomgyu. "
Rosé: " Looks like they're Friends cause all five of them are eating on table 10. "
Lisa: " Yeah! And...Y/N is staring at Soobin...😏"
All except Lisa and Y/N: " What?! "
All of them look that Y/N. What Lisa said was true. Y/N, indeed was staring at Soobin and was not at all paying attention to what they were saying.
Sydney: " Unnie? UNNIE!! Y/N?!!"
Y/N: " What? "
Lisa: " Oh nothing! You can continue staring at Soobin 😏"
Y/N: " W-what? I was not staring at him! "
Jisoo: " Oh really 😏? "
Rosé: " Then why are you blushing 😏? "
Y/N: " Whatever! "
Jennie: " No worries! We won't tell anyone? "
Y/N: " You better not. "
Suddenly she got up from the table and they looked at her.
Jisoo: " Where are you going? "
Y/N: " I need some water. I'll just bring a water bottle.
With that, Y/N went to get a water bottle.

Y/N pov

After getting a water bottle, I was coming towards our table when I stumbled over something. I was about to fall, when somebody grabbed me by my waist and saved me from falling. I looked up and saw... Soobin.
Y/N: " T-thank you. "
Soobin: " You should be a little more careful about your surroundings. What's your name? I know you because you're my classmate and sit right behind me. "
Y/N: " Y/N. KIM Y/N. "
Soobin: " So Y/N. I'll see you later in dance class. Bye, for now. "
Then, I went back to our table. I was blushing hard and my heart was beating faster than usual. The others were looking at me with curiosity, as I sat down.
Lisa: " Okay...What just happened? "
Y/N: " I tripped and he helped me..."
Rosé: " Aww! You're blushing 😏!"
Y/N: " I-i am not! "
Jennie: " You like him, don't you😏? "
Jisoo: " Aww! Our Y/N has grown up 😏! "
Sydney: " No worries unnie! This is our secret! "
Y/N: " Really! Thanks!-"
Sydney: " But I am the leader of the ship and it will surely sail😤! "
Jennie: " Of course it will! "
Lisa+ Rosé: " Y/N and Soobin! Sitting under a tree! KISSI-"
Y/N: " Yah Unnie! Keep it down! "
Lisa+ Rosé: " Opps! Sorry! "

Time Skip

In the Geography class...

Mr. Jung: " Okay class! You're going to do a project in groups of four! Yes?"
Girl 23: " Sir! Can we choose our own groups? "
Mr. Jung: " No! I'll choose the groups. Okay! So this are the groups............... Sydney, Samuel, Soobin and Y/N......."
Sydney: " Oh! We're in the same group unnie! And so is Soobin oppa! "
Y/N: " I know! "
Mr. Jung: " Okay! Now, that the groups are made, you have to submit the project in three days and- "
Suddenly, someone called him. He picked up his phone and answered it. After few minutes, he kept the phone and looked at us seriously.
Mr. Jung: " Students! I have to go somewhere urgently. Please maintain discipline and if needed start discussing the project with your groups. "
Sydney: " Lisa unnie! Can I sit beside Y/N unnie? "
Lisa: " Sure! "
Samuel: " Kireum, may I sit beside Soobin Hyung for the project? "
Kireum: " Okay. "
Soobin and Samuel turned towards us, while Sydney sat beside me.
Soobin: " Sooo, are you guys free today in the evening ? "
Sydney: " Yes. I am free. "
Samuel: " So am I "
Soobin: " Y/N? "
Y/N: " I am free...but I don't know if my brothers will allow me..."
Samuel: " Well, then we can do it at your house. Surely your brothers will allow that? "
Sydney: " Ask them unnie. Ask Jinnie oppa. "
Y/N: " Okay..."
I took out my phone and started texting Seokjin oppa.

Oppa? Can I ask you something?

Jinnie oppa💖
What is it princess?

You see, Mr. Jung has given us a project which we have to submit it in. three weeks. We have to do it in groups and I am in a group with Sydney, Soobin and Samuel. Can we do the project in our house if you don't mind?

Jinnie oppa💖
Yes. They can come to our house and do the project, if you want.

Okay! Thank you!
~End of the Conversion~

Y/N: " Yes! We can do the project in my house! "
Sydney: " Yay 😊! "
Samuel: " Okay! I am in."
Soobin: " Okay then! We'll come to your house at 3 pm. "
Y/N: " Okay! "

Time Skip

I was waiting for Jungkook oppa to pick me up. All of us ( Blackpink and Sydney) were talking, when suddenly Sydney got a call.
Sydney: " Hello! Mom! When are you coming? Oh! No worries! Okay! Okay!"
Sydney hang up the call and looked sad.
Rosé: " What's wrong, gurl? "
Sydney: " Nothing. It's just mom won't be able to pick me up because of an urgent meeting. So I'll have to take a bus and the bus stand is 3 kms from here...😔"
Y/N: " Well. You can come with me to my place. After all, you're supposed to came to my house by 3 pm. "
Sydney: " Really?! But... your brothers will not mind right? "
Y/N: " Of course not! Well, you tell your mother, while I look out for Jungkook oppa. "
Sydney: " Okay unnie! "

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