Chapter 19:- The Valentine's Sweetheart Dance

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Y/N pov

The next few weeks went by smoothly. I got closer to all my stepbrothers and I found out, they're not as terrifying as I thought them to be.
Namjoon oppa is really smart with an IQ of 148. He had previously ranked in the top 1% of the nation in his high school exams. However, he is very clumsy, when it comes to ordinary things. He is capable of destroying everything he touches: sunglasses, clothes, doorknobs, bunk bed ladders, etc. He even lost 33 pairs of airpods, which seems impossible for a guy with such intelligence. Hence, many people ( including my stepbrothers, of course ) call him ' God of Destruction '.
Seokjin oppa is outstanding at snowboarding and cooking. When our parents are away, he wakes up two hours earlier than the others to get breakfast done early. He has a habit of winking at people, if he makes eye contact with them for more than 3 seconds. Though, he's the oldest, he is the whiniest.
Yoongi oppa sleeps all the time and is the crankiest member of the group. However, he is very straightforward and can be very smart at times. He loves playing basketball and though, nowadays, he does not play basketball, he taught me some tricks on how to get the ball in the loop easily. He can also play the piano and he is an excellent music producer. He can compose tunes and lyrics on anyone or any situation.
Hoseok oppa has a bright personality. He has an optimistic energy that effects people in a good way and I think he's awesome! Though he's always nice and innocent, he can be very mischievous at times. He teases me all the time, but can you punch someone who looks so happy all the time? He likes it when someone strokes his hair as it helps him to sleep. He's also a very good dancer and choreographer and even performed at school festival, when he was in high school.
Jimin oppa looks rough and stubborn, but in reality, he's kind, gentle and very considerate, at times. He also keeps teasing me and stealing my chocolates all the time, but it's like being attacked by a puppy. You can't refuse his requests because he's too nice. He's closest to Taehyung oppa. He usually solves problems himself, or he usually shares it with Taehyung oppa and asks his advice.
Taehyung oppa is usually cold and emotionless and carries a blank expression all the time and rarely smiles. However, he is a pure angel at heart and has a 4D personality. Though he doesn't show it, he cares about us a lot.
A Week ago...

Y/N: " AWHOOSHOO! AAWHOOSHOO! AAAWHOOOOOSHOOO!!! " I sneezed loudly three times, during breakfast.
V: " What's wrong?! Why are you sneezing so much? "
Y/N: " Maybe I just caught a cold- AWHOOSHOO!! " Seokjin oppa touched my forehead.
Jin: " Your burning! You've fever, Y/N."
V: " You can't go to school with fever! You're staying home today! "
Y/N: " What?! No! ". But, he won't listen to me. He made me go to my room and himself did not go to school and made me hot chocolate and stayed watching me till midnight.
He also has a habit of talking and clapping his hands while sleeping. He can also be very wierd at times. He is also a genius sometimes, though he doesn't show it and he is ambidextrous.
Jungkook oppa also puts up a blank expression, but he's much more shy, reserved and self- conscious. It's difficult to get him to open up. Since he has such a hard time expressing himself, he often feels guilty because when it comes to those he cares about, he wants to give more of himself than he can. I am closest to him and if I have any problems, I usually confide with him.
Everything went normally. However, a new problem started after 2 days.

Two days Later (3rd person pov)

Lisa: " Girls! Valentine's day is coming after some days. "
Jennie: " Did you hear of the Valentine's Sweetheart Dance? The Guys will ask the girls and the girls can ask guys too. Isn't that so awesome?!! "
Rosé: " I don't know if anyone will ask me😔. I am sure, Soobin will be dying to go with Y/N 😏 "
Y/N: " You really think so? I was hoping to ask him! "
Sydney: " Is it compulsory to have a partner for the dance. Cause, I don't know half of the school. "
Jisoo: " I don't think so. And anyways, we'll have waltz "
Sydney: " Thank God 😅. I certainly don't want to ask a random guy and I am sure, no one will certainly ask me."
Jennie: " Chill girl! I am in the same situation as you! "
Lisa + Rosé + Jisoo: " Us too! "
Lisa: " Well, we still got two weeks time. "
Rosé: " I'm still sure I won't get a date."
Jisoo: " Well, there goes the bell. Let's get to our classes. "
Y/N wanted to ask her crush Soobin out but thought he might reject her, while the other girls thought nobody would ask them out and they're frightened to ask random guys. However, they're all wrong. That very day all of them got asked to the dance...

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