Return To The Present

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A/N: Shoutout to TheFlowerGirl09 who was so nice, that they helped Poison But It's About Killing Valentino get noticed more! The story link is🖤-vampire-sir-pentious-x

Third Person's POV: 

The world seemed to spin. Flashes of memories appeared in the minds of the people trapped in the past. As the memories rushed to their heads, time started going back to normal. "Vaggie?" Charlie called out. "Charlie!?" Vaggie replied. "Vaggie! You're alive!" Charlie exclaimed. She hugged Vaggie, as everyone else was confused by what happened. "My head..." Angel Dust complained. They were all reasonably confused. Well, all except for Emily. "Guys, I think I know what happened..." Emily said. Everyone's attention turned to her. "Y/N, Cain, and Lute know this already, but the reason I was banished is because I made a deal with a demon. His name was Beat Shredder." Emily explained. She explained the rest, and everyone else was angry. If only they knew who Beat Shredder really was. Suddenly, a portal from Heaven appeared. A single angel came down from the Heavens. Lute, Y/N, Emily, and Cain recognized him. "You're the angel that saved our asses when Roo tried to kill us!" Cain acknowledged. "Cain, that's Michael. You know, the leader of the Archangels?" Y/N corrected. "Y/N is right. I am indeed Michael. I have come to warn my brother before it's too late." Michael said. "'Before it's too late'? What do you mean by that? Also, who's your brother?" Charlie asked. "The Roo incident. Roo, also known as The Root of All Evil. She has already escaped her prison, and I'm afraid she may infect Hell. And my brother? That would be Lucifer." Michael informed. Charlie's expression shifted from worry, to shock, to excitement. "Di-did you say Lucifer? That's my dad... wait, if you're his brother, that means your my uncle!" Charlie exclaimed. Michael hadn't recognized her at first, but now that he thought about it, she did have a resemblance to Lucifer. And now that Charlie said that Lucifer was her father, he couldn't deny it. "I suppose I am." Michael replied. He started to smirk. "Imagine the rest of the Archangels' reactions when they find out I met our niece first." Michael chuckled.

"Anyways, do any of you know where Lucifer is?" Michael asked. "I can call him, and tell him that you're here." Charlie offered. "Yes, please do." Michael nodded. Charlie took out her phone. She scrolled through her contacts, until she found the one that said "Dad" with a picture of a rubber duck. The call was almost immediately picked up. "Hi, Charlie! Ya need anything?" Lucifer greeted. "Actually, Dad, your brother is here to see you for something important." Charlie said. "Which one?" Lucifer asked. "Michael." Charlie answered. "In that case, I'll be right over!" Lucifer replied. "Okay, Dad. Love you!" Charlie said. "Love ya, Charlie. See you in a bit!" Lucifer said. Charlie put her phone away, and Lilith look slightly uneasy. Lilith didn't know how Lucifer would react after seeing her for the first time in seven years. Not even a minute later, Lucifer appeared. "Brother, so good to see you." Michael smiled. "Good to see you too. So, what's up?" Lucifer asked. "Roo has returned." Michael said grimly. Lucifer knew what Michael meant. "I see... thank you for telling me. I'll try not to let her infect Hell." Lucifer replied. Lilith was holding her breath, trying not to be noticed. That's when Charlie spoke. "Hey, Dad, Mom's back!" Charlie exclaimed. Lucifer turned around, and sure enough, there Lilith was. "Uh, hello Darling." Lilith greeted. Lucifer's eyes started to fill up with tears of joy, and without warning, he hugged Lilith. "Lily! I missed you so much, where were you!?" Lucifer sobbed uncontrollably. "There, there," Lilith comforted. "I was in Heaven." Lilith admitted. Lucifer was shocked. "Damn, he left Heaven for her, and she left him for Heaven!" Angel Dust joked. "Angel! Not the time!" Y/N scolded. "And why should I listen to you?" Angel Dust rolled his eyes. "Because I'm the one who freed you from Valentino, so at least show some form of respect." Y/N said. "I-" Angel Dust started. "I have no excuse. You win." Angel Dust sighed. Lucifer was still shocked about where Lilith was.

A Match Made In Heaven Book 1: Conflict & ConnectionsWhere stories live. Discover now