Ananael The Lost Archangel

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I changed my mind with one of the songs. Also, the end includes a lot of hugging btw. I think I might stop doing the random shoutout thing, unless I find a fanfic that I think is underrated, and want to share with you all. Without further ado, enjoy this chapter!

Y/N's POV:

The fighting between Lucifer and Lilith died down a bit, at least that's what Charlie told me over the phone. I guess it makes sense, since it has been about a month since their last big fight. I was in Heaven, because things were pretty busy at the moment. I still technically have responsibilities here, so the least I could do was help. Basically, today was the day where Heaven checks over their citizens, their records, and familial ties. I was looking at the list I was given, looking over every name carefully. "Everything seems to check out, so far..." I mumbled to myself. That's when I found something shocking. "Okay, we have a Mary Jane, who is the mother of someone named, Molly." I said. "Wait, what's that? 'Other Familial Ties From Hell:'?" I questioned. I looked into it, and was shocked by what I saw. "Let's see, it says 'Henry (Now goes by Henroin), ex-husband of Mary Jane, father of Aramis, Anthony, and Molly'. Okay, let's look a little further... 'Aramis (Now goes by Arackniss), firstborn son of Henry and Mary Jane, older brother of Anthony and Molly'." I read. Well, that's definitely strange. This family's Heaven and Hell form seem to resemble spiders, Mary Jane and Molly do seem to have a similar color palette to Angel Dust, and Angel's human name was Anthony. Plus, Henry and Aramis do seem to kind of resemble Angel. Could they really be related to Angel? I guess there's only one way to find out. "Time to find out if this 'Anthony' is the same Anthony and Angel Dust. 'Anthony (Now goes by Angel Dust),'" I paused for a moment. It's true!? I continued reading in suspense, "'secondborn son of Henry and Mary Jane, younger brother of Aramis, and twin brother of Molly'.". It really is true! I'm holding on to this information. I need to tell Angel about this, the moment I finish my work. Also, for future reference, I am probably going to add Husk's name as Angel's husband, or at least as his significant other. I went through many names, and many families who may or may not have been separated. The last things on my list were the information on the archangels. This is the first time I've been given the list for the archangels, but it should be easy enough. All it really said that they were all siblings, that they're technically my uncles, aunts, and pibling-in-law. In the list about their familial ties that were in Hell, it said Lucifer and Charlie. Nothing too shocking. Nothing too shocking, until I found something about separated family members.

Lilith was on the list of separated family members. I suppose that was true, since she and Lucifer were separated for a while. I might change that later, since they're technically not separated now, but they're not really in the same relationship they were in before. So that's a little iffy. Apparently there were other archangels who didn't consider themselves siblings to Lucifer, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Camael, Jophiel, Uriel, or Zadkiel (Yes, I memorized that). Those archangels were Surael, Sakakael, Sarathael, Azrael, and one who seems to have been... lost? Their name was scratched out, so I was left confused, without knowledge of who this archangel was. I suppose I'll tell Angel Dust about his mother and twin sister being in Heaven a little later than I expected. Right now, I really need to ask Lucifer who the other archangel was. "Oh, I see you've finished your work?" Aclima asked. "Yup." I replied. "Why do you look so puzzled?" Abel asked. "Nothing. I'm just tired." I lied. "Whatever you say, sis." Seth said. "I wasn't asking you, jerk!" I said jokingly. "I think I'm gonna leave now, bye!" I said. "Bye, Y/N!" Azura replied. "Goodbye." Jumella waved. When I returned to Hell, thankfully Lilith and Lucifer were no longer fighting, just like Charlie said. "So, have you two resolved, or...?" I started. "You could say that, I guess. Lucifer just had to get out all of his unspoken pain, and things are getting a little better. I'd say we're on better terms than before." Lilith replied. "That's good. Anyways, I was wondering if I could ask Lucifer a question." I said. "Go ahead, kid." Lucifer nodded. "As you know, I was in Heaven for the yearly residential check, I was handed the list on your siblings, aka the archangels, and there was a section for separated family. I found five names, but the fifth one was scratched out, like nobody wanted anyone else to know about them. I was curious if maybe you knew?" I explained. "What were the other four names on the separated section, that you could read?" Lucifer asked. "I think they were Surael, Sakakael, Sarathael, and Azrael." I replied. Lucifer had a dark expression on his face. "Did I say something wrong? You don't have to tell me anything about it, if you're not comfortable to." I said. "It's fine. You didn't do anything wrong, it's just some bad memories. But I'll still tell you." He agreed.

A Match Made In Heaven Book 1: Conflict & ConnectionsWhere stories live. Discover now