The Root Of All Problems

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A/N: WHO'S READY AND EXCITED FOR A NEW CHAPTERRRR!? For when you get a bit further in this chapter, Hell and Limbo have a time difference. This chapter's shoutout is for Lydia_Loves_Fnaf! The link is

Y/N's POV:

I was stuck within a cage of roots. Everyone else was tied up. Everyone I loved, cared about, and looked up to were now powerless. I didn't even know if they were still alive. It was so hard to see them like this, especially Lute. I looked at Roo, who seemed very pleased with herself. "You don't have to do this! Please, just let them go! I'll trade my freedom for theirs, if it means they get to live their life." I pleaded. "Haha! You poor little thing. Sorry, Princess, but not everything can go your way," Roo laughed. "I should know that better than anyone..." Roo added darkly. "What do you mean by that?" I asked. "When your mother took a bite of the apple, I was created. Everyone thought we were the same being, but really, I was a separate entity trapped within her body. I was confused, and lost. I had a very mischievous  personality. And just those bits of mischievous acts, apparently brought evil to the world. The elder angels decided I was a threat, and extracted me from Eve's body. As punishment, the cast me to this dark, miserable realm. I was devastated when they cast me out. You think it was hard for poor ol' Lucifer, Vaggie, and Emily to be sent to Hell? Try thinking about what it's like to be sent to a place where you're all alone! Even the souls that linger here don't bother talking to me, because they're scared I'll feed on them. I only feed on the ones that have wasted away! Those being the ones who have lost all their hope, and have become apart of the realm because of it. It's not like they're sentient anymore, or that there's anything else beyond Limbo! You have no idea what it was like. I prayed, and pleaded just for them to let me make up for whatever they thought I had done. It never worked out. Then your father just had to come along, and try to use me for those exterminations. I just wanted to be peacefully left alone to grieve. I didn't get my way, just like you right now. They thought I was a monster, so I proved them right. And look at me now! Look at all your friends, now. I've conquered them, even God himself!" Roo explained. "Is that all this is for? Just some petty revenge!?" I cried. "It's more than just revenge. It's world domination!" Roo cackled. "You won't win." I denied. "Why wouldn't I? You don't think someone's going to come save you, do you?" Roo taunted. Now that I think of it, I don't even know if anyone else knows that we're here. It's not like anybody just comes to Limbo, for a visit. "Just as I thought." Roo smirked. I can't let my friends stay here to just wither away. But who can I count on to save us- to save them?

Roo (Verse 1):  It's time you learned a lesson, it's time that you understand. Don't ever count on anybody else in this, or any other land! I once hoped for friendships, to find a place among my kind. But those were the childish wishes, of someone who was blind!

Roo (Chorus): Open up your eyes, see the world from where I stand! Me among the mighty, you caged at my command! Open up your eyes, give up your sweet fantasyland! It's time to grow up and get wise. Come now, little one. Open up your eyes!

Roo (Verse 2): We all start out the same with simple, naive trust. Shielded from the many ways that life's not fair, or just. But there comes a moment, a simple truth that you must face. If you depend on others you'll never find your place. 


Roo (Verse 2): And as you take that first step upon a path that's all your own, you see it all so clearly. The best way to survive is all alone!

A Match Made In Heaven Book 1: Conflict & ConnectionsWhere stories live. Discover now