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Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!!

I rushed from the office into the lecture hall with an arm load of binders, organized and ready to pass out to the new class beginning Linguistics 101 in about a half hour. I realized I could carry about twenty at a time including what fit in my backpack without dropping any so it would take a couple trips per class but that was something I could manage using elevators and keeping my breathing steady.

The last few weeks working alongside Professor Ivanov were a study in patience and diligence. He has high expectations but quickly respected my work ethic. I am proud of how fast I gained his trust, especially considering his reputation at the university.

"Yes?" My tone was cool and calm in spite of how anxious I felt.

"Oh, good, you have the binders ready with the updated syllabus for our first course today?" Professor Ivanov took off his wire framed glasses and peered at me menacingly but I stood firm, confidence the only way to combat his prickliness.

"Yes. Give me a few and I'll have them all in here. I planned to pass them out as students arrive so I can introduce myself." I set down the load in my arms and smiled, thankful we had created a strong working relationship that I knew would be mutually beneficial.

Working at the restaurant along with starting my TA position was stressful, but I was up for the task. Thankfully my Mama is supportive and has stepped up to handle cooking and laundry for me at the moment so at least I have healthy lunches and clothes without coffee stains.

He nodded approvingly and I continued my work. Over the last weeks spent planning for the new semester I have learned that Professor Ivanov works well with silence. He allows me to do the work I need to get done.  The demands are frequent and harsh, but then I am allowed autonomy to complete my tasks. He noticed how well I work independently so I appreciated how we naturally slipped into a comfortable routine.

Professor is anything but codependent. He could easily do all this work himself but has been writing a new textbook on linguistics so uses extra time I am able to save him on his work.  His sweet wife was thrilled that he finally hired an assistant to give him more chances to relax.

I grabbed another stack of binders and as I set them on my table in the classroom he looked up briefly. "Oh, Callie, my son Nikhail will be part of this class. I expect he will not receive any preferential treatment just because he is related to me, though."

I smirked, "Fine by me. No one gets special treatment in my book anyway."

He chuckled in response as I continued hauling arm loads of binders into the room until all sixty seven were on the table and ready to hand out. I knew the Professor was married with four sons, one of whom was a few years younger than me while the other 3 are older. His wife Anya is a darling woman who doted on me every time she stopped by to visit her husband. The tenderness he showed her, even in my presence, was more proof that the Professor trusts me. He knows he can let his guard down with me nearby and I won't use that information against him.

"Callie?" The Professor kept his voice low this time, a tone I was not accustomed to hearing from his lips.

I smiled, "Yes?"

"I'll have the students call you Miss Callie. Is that okay? I just..." His voice trailed and I knew exactly what he meant.

I've been teased about my last name for my entire life. Ustrashkin lends itself to a million terrible nicknames and Professor Ivanov wanted to protect me from dealing with that issue. My mom offered to allow me to change it to her maiden name, Gibson, but I refused.

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