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The heartrate monitor beeped in a rhythm that helped me practice breathwork.

Today has been a lot.

Val and I joined Amber at a 5 AM beginners spinning class.  Mike was there as well and while he and Amber coasted since they are used to this type of movement, Val and I struggled.  I have never been athletic but that class made me think I rarely left our couch.

Amber was endlessly kind and encouraging so I am glad I went, even though it meant a 4 am wakeup call for Val to pick me up so we could head over. We were both yawning in spite of fresh coffee then enjoyed a quick meal at a food cart near the gym. 

Breakfast burritos after cycling faster than I ever had before was the best idea Mike ever had.  He and Val seem closer than they were when I first met them a few months ago.  Val shared that he was closest to Mike but never had an issue with Dmitri.  The older 3 brothers meet up decently often to grab a beer at a local sports bar near Mike's apartment so I was happy to see their relationships continue to grow.

Nikhail is the brother that causes the most trouble.  They try not to make things adversarial but since Nik likes to make dumb choices it's tough for them not to see him as the idiot baby of the family.

Mama was feeling a bit winded when we visited her new assisted living facility so I was glad we had a pre op appointment right after that so she could get checked out.  I was not surprised that she had to go to the Emergency Room, but it hurt to see her in so much pain.

Now I sat, watching my mom breathe softly as she napped. Her blood counts are concerning and she had to be put on oxygen for shortness of breath.  I reminded the staff that I am happy to give her a blood transfusion if it is needed, so hopefully that helps.

My blue eyes are not the only thing I got from my Mama.  I also have type AB negative blood which is the most rare.  There have been a few times in the past where I gave her blood transfusions and I try to donate blood whenever I am able.  My dissertation and coursework kept me occupied the last 2 years but now I should make it a point to do that more often.

I knew she would be okay and was where she needed to be, but couldn't help but feel like that 13 year old child again every time we were in the hospital.

Memories of sitting by my mom as she laid in unconscious while I knew my Papochka was dead...

Having to tell her he was gone...

I will never forget those moments.

The car accident was a shock to all of us.  I walked away with just a broken arm, some nasty cuts, and a heart that would never be the same.  Our next door neighbor was a teacher at the elementary school and let me stay with her family while Mama was in patient and recovering.  They had a big family and it was chaotic, but at least I was not put into the foster care system.

When my Mama finally got home from the hospital it was early summer.  I learned how to keep house quickly as she recovered, always grateful for how much I did to help.

The scars from that accident were still on both our bodies.  I had one especially deep cut on my right leg as well as one on my side but Mama's are even more apparent.  She has a few wigs she has used if they have to shave her head for surgeries but also started to love having shorter hair when needed.  At least now it's at her shoulders so she can enjoy the process of using hot rollers or pretty combs to feel better.

I noticed it was getting later and peeked around to see if I could flag down a nurse to ask about her intake timeline.  The Emergency Room was busy so I knew it would take a while but needed to run home and grab her a few things I know she will want.

Then I saw him.


Here in the emergency room.

His eyes were focused and there was a crease between his brows, dark curls untamed as always.

I stood, shock evident on my face, then moved to open the door of Mama's room.

"Val?" I asked while he peeked down the hall and tried to be inconspicuous.

He turned and met my eyes, walking toward me while his voice was low. "Callie... sorry I didn't ask, I just..."

I knew why he was here.

He cares about my mom and me. We've done some baking days and he taught her how to make his lasagna with homemade Bolognese.  She taught him the trick to homemade cinnamon rolls, though Anya was mastering that art to keep all of us supplied.  Val is someone that has become more than just a friend, though my heart was too overwhelmed with everything going on to allow anything else at this time.

I reached out and grabbed his arm, tugging him into the room so we had a bit more privacy. "Sorry I didn't text.  My head's been a mess but I told your Dad and apparently he let you know?"

Val chuckled, nodding his head while we took the two stiff plastic chairs next to my mom's bed. "You know him well. I figured I could give you a ride home to grab what your mom needs.  That will make things faster."

My heart melted at his kindness and the sweet tone he used, quietly reassuring me while my Mom continued to sleep.

He reached over and took my hand in both of his, eyes focused on the way our fingers joined for a long moment before he let out a long sigh.  "Callie, I won't ask how you are, but just... I'm here, okay?  You're safe and I'll be here each step of the way if you need me.  No strings attached."

A sob escaped as I leaned closer then wrapped my arms around him, allowing this kind and generous man to hold me in a way no one had before.  I've had boyfriends but never anything that lasted.  Usually they backed away slowly when they saw how complicated my life is.  The moment I began to share my past or they met Mama everything would fall apart.

With Val, though, he approached.  He moved closer to offer me support through the haze of grief I had to face every single day.  All my 15 years of uncertainty seemed less daunting with this handsome man at my side.

After a long moment I sat back and shook my head, meeting his eyes while I forced a smile.  "Thank you.  I didn't know I needed you here until I saw you in that hallway, Val."

A nurse entered the room and seemed surprised to see me with company but quickly offered a bright smile. "Callie, we have her room ready and the orderly will be here any minute now."

"Thanks, Mariah," I replied, grabbing my phone charger and getting my bag tidied up.  "I appreciate you always taking such good care of my Mama."

Mama was still sleeping but I woke her gently when the orderly arrived.

"We are going to get you settled in your room, okay?" I said, smiling at her as warmly as I could manage.

She nodded, then locked eyes with Val and waved gently.

"Don't you worry, Vera.  We are going to make sure you get the care you need," he said while sliding his arm around my waist.


I like the sound of that.

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