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"I'm glad Vera is doing better.  Sounds like your presence meant a lot to her and Callie," Amber said with a smile as we got the table set for dinner.

Dmitri had a new gal he was bringing along, while Nik and Kelly seemed to still be together. I will never know what he sees in the idiot blonde. Kelly is everything that annoys me about college and 20 something women. She's self centered, abrasive, and thinks she can coast on her appearance.

It works with a lot of guys. I fell for a similar trap with my ex fiancée, Jenna. She swept me into a world where I lost sight of my dreams for awhile but as soon as I made it clear starting my own company was what I wanted she started trying to change my plans. Suddenly the woman who said she loved me, no matter what, was pulling away after accepting my proposal.

Then it was over.

In the end I know that was for the best. There were a couple months when I was really heart broken but then I started to see ways that Jenna slowly broke down my confidence in an attempt at getting me to give up my company. It took a lot of long runs where I reflected on our relationship before I realized being single was better than being invalidated.

Callie, though? Callie would never do that. She has only ever given me guidance on how to make my life easier considering my dreams as a starting point. Our friendship was based on mutual respect as well as affection.

Amber is a welcome addition, bringing even more warmth to our family.

Mike is totally smitten.  I knew they were talking about moving in together when the school year ended and while Amber was hesitant, Mike had never been more serious about a woman.

It was a refreshing sight.

My Dad came back inside with chicken and veggie kebabs from the grill.  "Okay, kids... I think we are set now."  He looked around and smiled as Amber added baked potatoes and sour cream to the table.  "We appreciate you pitching in, Amber."

She shrugged, always a little shy when it came to Dad.  "You're welcome, but you all have been so kind to me that I can't help but want to follow Callie's lead."

Nik and Kelly arrived and had a similar look of confusion as they sat down immediately.  Dmitri's date, Keira, was a bit air headed but seemed nice enough.  Amber and I shared a look when Kelly whined about how she can't eat carbs now, laughing to ourselves at how every single time she came for dinner there was a new complaint.

One week she couldn't have gluten, the next she devoured homemade sourdough.  One week she was a vegetarian, the next she ate a giant steak.

Of course she is welcome to have whatever lifestyle she wants, but the flip flopping was exhausting, even for us.

"Callie joining us?" Nik asked, which gained him a dirty look from his date.

Dad shook his head.  "Her mom was just released from the hospital yesterday afternoon so she's staying home."  He looked at my mom with a soft smile, "Anya, how is Vera doing?"

Mom shrugged, sipping her wine before responding, "She was on oxygen most of her time in the hospital and has a tank at home if it's needed but otherwise she's mainly just tired."  She paused, looking my way a moment before continuing, "I know Callie has everything under control but it's hard to watch Vera in so much pain and struggling to even breathe.  I can only imagine how much tougher it will be leading up to and after her next surgery. Callie has dealt with this for 15 years, since she was just 13 years old. Breaks my heart to think of how much uncertainty she juggled even as a child."

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